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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Watched Aquaman on HBOMax this week and it was way better than WW84 and made me realize again how awful WW84 was. Sequels are typically better than the first film but WW84 proved the opposite in a lame fashion. And we still have Patty Jenkins crap Star Wars film to look forward to, ugh. Disney fired the wrong woman this week.
  2. The Elephant Man is on PRIME and watched it last night, first time in decades. Great movie, love the classic and gothic black & white filming. One of Lynch's best films!!
  3. Oh to be a kid again! But as an adult I do prefer the less is more approach the 2014 film had. Godzilla looked so realistic in that film. The SFX in this new film looks too much like Pacific Rim: Uprising, too slick.
  4. Christopher Plummer was a Shakespeare quoting Klingon in Star Trek too. RIP.
  5. No bucks, no Buck Rogers. George Clooney’s New Project Receives Demand to Be Shut Down, Claiming Actor Does Not Own the Rights https://www.mediaite.com/entertainment/george-clooney-buck-rogers-cease-desist/
  6. Hehe, ROBOT CHICKEN did a funny and NSFW skit about the drifting.
  7. I don't believe. On a side note, Emilio is back for a Mighty Ducks series on Disney+
  8. I did and it was really good. Per Wiki there is supposed to be a second season, right now I doubt we'll see it
  9. So in addition to my Godzilla/Pacific Rim crossover fantasy I'd like to add Ultraman too please
  10. Last night was throwback Thursday by watching Pulp Fiction. I've seen it dozens of times but it was my wife's first! She was kinda meh about it... But now she knows where I get some of my movie quotes from, lol.
  11. Looks like something we'd see on Netflix. We'll watch it all the same.
  12. Netflix just announced a SKULL ISLAND anime series. Should be interesting. I enjoyed the Godzilla animated series from the 1970s and 90s but the recent trilogy was lacking in good monster action. https://about.netflix.com/en/news/skull-island-and-tomb-raider-universes-are-expanding-at-netflix-with-two-all
  13. We're watching Ratched on Netflix and it's really good and better than expected with it's noir like story.
  14. Nothing shocks us anime fans, lol.
  15. I was mentioning this to my wife who is a YUGE Harry Potter fan that WB should use the property just like Disney is doing with Star Wars because it would be a complete waste if they didn't.
  16. I do have a gripe about SFX for GvK and KOTM where they just don't look as good as the first Godzilla film. While its cool I just don't get that same sense of scale like we did in the first film.
  17. I'll go out on a limb that we'll see KONG beat Godzilla to a pulp but Godzilla will say 'Save Mothra' and they'll team up to fight a mutual enemy That being said this film looks to be more in the line with KOTM than the stand alone films and does look like good fun. I'll watch it first on HBO Max and if I really enjoy it I'll see it again in the theater.
  18. Bored and watched Ad Astra on HBOMax last night. Drab and humorless. The kind of movie I'd watch on a international flight (if we still flew) and never watch again. I bet Brad Pitt and the director in their small minds thought it was a smart film.
  19. RIP Mira Furlan. Last I saw her in was LOST. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/mira-furlan-dies-babylon-5-081110851.html
  20. My wife explained to me the series is based on romance novels, hence is soap opera cheese, and I looked it up on Wiki there is 9 books... Frak! Can't wait till we finish this season and we can move onto something a lot more manly, lol.
  21. Watching Bridgerton with the wife on Netflix. Ugh and thankfully its just 8 episodes. I guess I owe her for watching Raised by Wolves with me, lol.
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