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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. I'd pay to see it in the theater if I couldn't stream it on HBO MAX. That being said, kudos to HBO for not being dicks and charging extra like Disney is doing. Kinda spoiler-ish but I did miss the other monsters from KOTM in GvK, especially Rodan. That being said I think Rodan does deserve it's own film. The original had scares and a tragic ending.
  2. After Godzilla vs Kong I think the Thundercats film will do well action wise but really needs a good story too. The reboot series had some really good lore to draw from.
  3. Just finished watching it. It's good destructive fun! That being said I'd be surprised if we see another Godzilla movie as KOTM disappointed in the box office. However I'd pay money to see a Pacific Rim/Godzilla cross over! Also...
  4. I only have two questions about the Obi Wan series. 1. Will we see Ahsoka Tano? 2. Who gets fired first because of their tweets?
  5. Needs the people who wrote the Thundercats reboot to write it, really good and sucks that it was cancelled!
  6. Reviews are coming, looks decent and should expect nothing more than what it is. Apparently the film's soundtrack is really good though so I can't wait to hear it. https://www.ign.com/articles/godzilla-vs-kong-review
  7. Finally finished it tonight. Way better than the Whedon cut. F'ing shame that WB abandoned this arc and I'm certain Afflek's alcoholism had a lot to do with it too. That being said, a majority of the WB/DC movies will always be better than the MCU's.
  8. Gonna use our stimmy checks for taking the family to Disney World in 2022. My youngest son will be over 4 and a half and hopefully easier to manage by then, lol.
  9. Outside of Godzilla 2014 I'm not expecting any realistic military vehicles in Godzilla films, lol. I'm still hoping we'll see Pacific Rim Jaegers team with Godzilla someday!!
  10. Jessica will probably best remembered for her later roles but she was damn good looking in her younger days! Didn't know there was a Dr. Strange movie she was in from 1978 too, lol. RIP
  11. That's what I've been complaining about! WTF!? I'm not expecting huge reveals but just want to keep my eyes virgin till I see the action play out on my vintage 2013 65in Panasonic plasma TV, lol.
  12. Hmmm, they did the same for Onward which was a decent film but also Pixar.
  13. OMG, Disney can get bent. This is why I'm watching way moar HBO Max, including with my children. That being said, Netflix needs to up its movie quality.
  14. Same. Who is actually paying the extra $$ to see this??
  15. We just finished The Outsider as well. Really good tension and acting throughout but though it was set up for a second season I think it may just end up being a mini-series as per Wiki HBO has no interest in renewing but the show's producers are shopping it to other networks.
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