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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Very cool. It's the new HEAVY METAL.
  2. Wife picked the movie and watched THUNDER FORCE on Netflix. Had some moments, mainly with Justin Bateman scenes, but overall too silly.
  3. Looks better than the last anime. Seriously, how can you screw up Godzilla anime?? Even the animated series based on Godzilla 1998 was way better than that.
  4. This could be a really good but heavy film, especially since it'll very much likely be the last Indiana Jones film. Look what James Mangold did with the last Wolverine film, LOGAN.
  5. Doom Patrol kinda reminds me of Umbrella Academy which isn't a bad thing.
  6. Apparently caused by an overdose. Don't do drugs. RIP
  7. As much as I'd love to see a ROBOTECH movie I think that ship sailed decades ago. The IP is old just like many of its fans, including me, with nothing new that earns my interest. On a side note I sold all my entire ROBOTECH and anime collection (1980s comics, Japanese art books, etc) in the past year and pretty much keep myself entertained by trolling HG's Facebook page. Maybe we'll see a ROBOTECH film but I doubt the film with either be good, successful or even remotely like the series. Wanna bring back ROBOTECH? Reboot the series Voltron or Yamato 2199 style. RIP Carl Macek.
  8. Hmmm, this series is gonna be Psycho-somatic addict-insane!!
  9. The Devil Wears Dalmatian??
  10. Introducing my six year old daughter to Star Wars this week. Finished A New Hope and started Empire Strikes Back last night. She got really upset seeing the wampa's arm cut off by Luke Skywalker and felt really bad for it Which is a way more graphic scene than the original that I saw when I was her age.
  11. Watching Doom Patrol on HBO Max. Brendan Fraser is f'ing awesome in it, where has he been all these years??!
  12. Yes, I saw clips on Youtube and its very 80s and more so because of its 'made for TV' production. Should be a good trip to Nostalgialand, lol!
  13. If there was to be one more Monsterverse film it should be a Son of Godzilla where Godzilla dies saving the world and his ultra-cute son from some bad ass monster. The young Godzilla could make merchandising bank like 'baby Yoda' did and then evolve him into a anime series. But that's just me and my Godzilla dreams, lol.
  14. Another cheese fest from WB, just like Tom & Jerry plus I can't stand watching sports, lol.
  15. IT chapter 1 and 2 is on HBO and I'm not familiar with the book but thought the films were really good! More so on the first chapter but still very good. Bill Skarsgård really knocked it out of the park as Pennywise. Amazing talent for such a young actor.
  16. Yeah, I think Godzilla 2014 is somewhat high cinema and could have been much better with better utilization of Bryan Cranston. Plus Godzilla looked and moved much better in that film, the following films were kinda cartoonish. I will say KONG: Skull Island was the best made of the Monsterverse films. Had the right balance of action, filming and good characters. KOTM had potential but most of the scenes were too damn dark. Overall, the Monstervese is still better than the Japanese films. USA! USA! USA!
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