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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Just finished the first season, great show! That being said I think AMAZON would have had another big winner if they spent the extra money (know they got plenty of Bezos bucks!) to make it live action or were they too afraid it'd look too much like THE BOYS?
  2. This week the wife and I watched the original MORTAL KOMBAT and... MK: Annihilation, lol. The original was still fun but the sequel... wow, still bad. It was my first time watching it since its release in 1997. The fight scene choreography was decent but I think the absolute worst parts is the VFX, even for 1997 they were just terrible. What made the producers think they would be acceptable enough for release?? Still, MK: Annihilation was so bad that it was kinda enjoyable, lol. EDIT: MK: Annihilation did have a better soundtrack but I don't think it was well utilized at all.
  3. Eh, doesn't look like a movie I'd pay money to see in the theater.
  4. I just hope to hear new insults from Mark Hamill's Skeletor, lol!
  5. Watched Without Remorse on Prime last night. It was just OK, reminded me of The Punisher lol. Also, Michael B. Jordan is an overrated actor.
  6. I still hadn't seen the first movie, lol. Is it good?
  7. Watching another documentary on HBO MAX. The Inventor. About Elizabeth Holmes thinking she was the next Steve Jobs or something. Surprised she isn't in prison yet, gotta love our justice system. If you owe the bank a million dollars, you're f'd. If you the bank 50 million dollars, the bank is f'd.
  8. Watched it last night. I like it with its air of mystery. With CLONE WARS you kinda always knew what you were expecting. Still, these series give me a new appreciation for episode 1 and 2.
  9. Yeah, we'll probably be staying at the Dolphin or Swan Hotel too. I like how they have a supervised children's center, that'll give mommy and I some time to check out their spa among other things, lol.
  10. New trailer. My three old son gives me anxiety when I think of this movie!!
  11. Are you staying at a hotel? Try a AIRBNB where you can make your own dinner there, save money doing it too. I'm trying to convince my wife of that but she wants the FULL Disney World experience with resort hotel for the kids next year, lol.
  12. OK, I didn't initially see the anime influences referenced in G&K after watching it twice last month but I'm sure most Godzilla fans will have a love for anime too. EDIT: I DID NOT KNOW BRYAN CRANSTON WAS THE VOICE OF ISAMU DYSON IN MACROSS PLUS!! lol. Can't believe I'm learning that now.
  13. Yeah, that's how I first heard about NXIVM. Grace Park (Boomer) was also part of it too but looks like she left it early. Nicki Clyne still supports it though, ugh. Second season will be very interesting.
  14. Watching The Vow documentary on HBO Max. It's about the NXIVM cult that sucked in actresses, mainly Battlestar Galactica and Obi-Wan's Aunt Beru. Worth a watch just for the craziness.
  15. +1. I think the 1995 MK is kinda like a generational film with its soundtrack and style of the time.
  16. Show of hands. Who here actually paid money to see Mortal Kombat: Annihilation? I did and thankfully it was one dollar. Almost walked out of the theater when I realized I had nothing better to do which was the 1990s for ya, lol.
  17. Finished the series last night. Really really good. Actually better than most of the MARVEL movies IMHO, glad it kept a mature tone. That being said, gonna have to watch the Captain America sequels again. JACK BAUER WOULD BE PROUD!!
  18. Again, the original film's REPTILE was made cooler by the soundtrack alone.
  19. For recent films the ocean fight scene between Joe ('K') and Luv comes to mind. Just pure and intense cinema with a great soundtrack enhancing it in the background.
  20. Just finished watching it. It was good action with no cheese, glad it was rated R. Only thing missing was a good soundtrack that the original had. Maybe they can make up for it in the sequel
  21. Guess you gonna have to watch the movie. TODAY!!
  22. No DYRL in the States, still?
  23. Re-watching Godzilla 2014 and its such a better film, including the SFX. The film could have been better if they kept Cranston's character alive but its the best Godzilla film of all time IMHO. Yes, its better than the original 1954 version.
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