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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Wake me up whenever the series is rebooted or has new content. I've seen the original soooo many times.
  2. The first live action film was fine but the sequels kept getting derpier. Bumblebee was good but don't have a lot of faith in the new films.
  3. Really enjoying this series. Though I'm not super invested into the characters the story does a great job of keeping it interesting.
  4. Not really talking about Full Self Driving (FSD) but big auto is working on impressive hands free cruise modes. That should make our long road trip to WDW easy.
  5. Anybody gonna make the long car drive instead of flying to Disney World? We live in North VA and will fly next year when we go but maybe in a few years in a new fancy high tech car with automated driving to help deal with driver fatigue and hopefully save money over flying. This new car will be a EV so charging times will be a factor for the road trip.
  6. LOL, I finished through it. You just have to tune out the derp dialogue and just enjoy the pew pew pew!
  7. Please please please be better than 2202. YUUUUUKKKI!!!!!!!!
  8. Really good series so far. Way better writing than CLONE WARS and REBELS by making none of the episodes feel like filler, so far at least.
  9. We're looking at 5 night trip in September of 2022 next year for the 4 of us. For a suite at Art of Animation resort plus tickets we're looking at $4976. ugh. This doesn't include price of flight yet either.
  10. LOL, I bet Mark Hamill is having a blast voicing Skeletor.
  11. Finished EDEN on Netflix. It was good and well voiced, didn't realize who the voice actors were till I watched the credits, lol. Only 4 episodes but didn't have the need to be more.
  12. If you guys really liked Rob Relaney as Peter in Deadpool 3 then I highly recommend watching him in Catastrophe on PRIME. It's a crazy funny British comedy series.
  13. Cool! I don't have Hulu but will subscribe to it soon to watch this and Attack on Titan season 4.
  14. We tried watching Army of the Dead but stopped when Bautista was about done putting together his team. It was like Zombieland's afterbirth that should have been released on the SyFy network next to another Sharknado sequel. Getting tired of Netflix's weak movies lately.
  15. Wife and I are watching Catastrophe on PRIME. It's a crazy good British comedy starring the guy with the mustache (Peter) from Deadpool 2
  16. Finished season 2 and while Snow in the Desert was technically amazing to watch the season as a whole was rather weak when compared to the first. Almost half-assed IMHO really. I think Netflix is losing it.
  17. Heh, that's interesting as Dee Bradley Baker is voicing animation characters originally played by a live actor (Temuera Morrison) that is from New Zealand.
  18. The show is definitely well done with improved animation technique. Good job Filoni
  19. Nor Spanish, lol. They'll probably go with a well known actor, Antionio Bandera or Javier Bardem perhaps? I'm curious about the villain, Clancy Brown was great as Kurgan. Personally I'd like to see someone not known for playing villains as Kurgan, Chris Hemsworth for example would be cool as Kurgan. EDIT: Whoops!
  20. Watched UNDERWATER on HBO Max last night. Leviathan and Deep Star Six was better, lol.
  21. It's happening! Henry Cavill will be great in it!! That being said one of the best things about the original film was the QUEEN soundtrack. Doubt they'll be able to replicate it in the new film, especially with today's music. Henry Cavill to Star in Highlander Remake, John Wick's Chad Stahelski Directing https://www.ign.com/articles/henry-cavill-to-star-in-highlander-remake-john-wicks-chad-stahelski-directing
  22. Disney is trying squeeze as much blood from the rock that is Star Wars. Going woke only pissed off their fans more.
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