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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Uh, this looks more DEUS EX than Blade Runner now. Why didn't they just make a DEUS EX anime instead??
  2. What is with all the wacky movies from Netflix, can't they make something half-way serious anymore?
  3. Looks interesting. Horrific if you're a mother that could lose her sons like that. The trailer made me think of my wife and son. ugh.
  4. Yeah, Ridley Scott executive produced 2049 which probably explains why it was so good, lol. Seriously, Ridley Scott is one of my all time favorite directors but he sucks at making follow up films like he did with the ALIEN prequels. I just re-watched ALIEN and it's still so good! I'd lean that ALIEN is slightly more timeless than ALIENS is. I hope I didn't derail this thread, lol. But yeah, Ridley's schedule is filled with so many movies and I guess he's trying to complete as many as he can while he still around as he's 83 years old.
  5. I don't think Scarlett's career is ending anytime soon, maybe for action roles it is. She was really good in Marriage Story on Netflix and received a Oscar nom for it.
  6. Agreed, My wife and I were just joking about this earlier. Seriously, you could buy our whole neighborhood for $50mil. Unreal. The ones who'll probably win is the friggin' lawyers.
  7. See Corvette Summer if you hadn't yet, she was really cute and young in it. Also starred a very young, pre-Wampa mauled, Mark Hamill too. Kinda cheesy for today's audience but worth checking out to see those two in their very early roles.
  8. I wouldn't call the BLADE RUNNER films cyberpunk IMHO. I think future noir, just like the title of the 'making of' book is, fits the genre best. Cyberpunk is more hacker involved, eg Johnny Mnemonic. The anime does have cyberpunk vibe to it though and is what is working against itself. https://www.amazon.com/Future-Noir-Revised-Updated-Making/dp/0062699466/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=blade+runner+noir&qid=1627566433&sr=8-1
  9. OMG... this gonna be wild AF! Can't wait for the trailer.
  10. Ew, no. Had one. Never again. My stomach was like 🤢🤮
  11. A24 know hows to make well made and weird movies.
  12. Well made ad but probably cheaply produced as I've seen similar home made anime on Youtube. I rarely go to TACO BELL but when I do I get their Cinnabon Delights. So f'ing gooooooood!! https://www.tacobell.com/food/sides-sweets/cinnabon-delights-2-pack
  13. I didn't know Joe Keery was in it! He's awesome in Stranger Things.
  14. Agreed. Do you really really need that collectable item? I have never paid for anything from a scalper or anything heavily marked up. My money could be better spent on other important or worthwhile things like fine dining, vacations, or just keep it in my savings. Since I ended my two favorite hobbies, PC gaming and sci-fi collection, I've been saving a lot of money in my bank account and it feels great!
  15. Seems like everything from graphics cards to used cars is being scalped these days...
  16. While I think the animated series is great I think Amazon should have used those Bezos bucks to make a live action series instead. Seriously, PRIME really needs more content. If we didn't use PRIME for the quick deliveries (it helps with young children) we'd probably ditch it altogether.
  17. Yeah and the story was pretty good! Far more interesting than this 'anime' too.
  18. Yes! It was like it was copy & pasted from the game. Though it's dated AF I do recommend playing the game if you hadn't yet.
  19. Is it me or does this look awful? The animation looks dated by twenty years IMHO.
  20. Not surprised. The trailers were underwhelming IMHO.
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