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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Started watching Euphoria on HBO Max last night. It stars Zendaya and glamorizes teenage drug use. Neither of which I'm a fan of but my wife likes the series 😅
  2. Welp. It's 2022, the same year SOYLENT GREEN took place, it was also released the same year I was born too Anyways, watching it on HBO MAX and 2022 didn't turn out like the movie however there are some things that kinda are... Scarcity of food. Thankfully not like the movie but there has been empty shelves and grocery prices have increased significantly in the past several months. The batteries inside the apartment made me think of Tesla's Power Walls but we can use solar instead of running on a generator on a treadmill. Though some of us could use the exercise, lol. Suicide machine. Very controversial but I think we're seeing more of that accepted in recent time. Overcrowding. You can have space to yourself but home prices right now are still stupid high or at least where I live. Technology devolution. That chip shortage tho!! Seriously, its becoming a new class system in our society of the haves and have-nots when it comes to tech such as graphics cards, the latest gaming consoles, automobiles, etc.
  3. Wow, didn't know he was still alive. What visions! RIP.
  4. Prime seems to be really good with their streaming since they don't have much of it, lol. That being said, we do plan on suspending our Prime account when it ends this year as they are jacking up their subscription rate again.
  5. Watched two movies on HBO MAX over the weekend. Both were lengthy at 2.5 hours long and with a well known cast. First was THE LAST DUEL. It started kinda slow and couldn't tell where it was going till midway through the film and then quickly gained my interest. Worth a watch. Second was NIGHTMARE ALLEY. It was too long with no real point and should have been a 90 minute movie. I found myself looking at my phone through most of the movie and I rarely do that!! Watch something else instead.
  6. OK. this final Attack on Titan season is a BEAST While I try to avoid the specifics I read the manga's ending isn't well liked so I can probably will expect the same for the anime but I will make my own opinion when that happens. That being said AoT is the best anime ever IMHO. Yes, I gave Legend of Galactic Heroes a try and it is good but doesn't enthrall me like AoT does.
  7. Going out on a limb here but I wonder if they have a Grogu series or movie planned when he is closer to being an adult that takes places hundreds of years after the Skywalker Saga?
  8. Really good episode, amazed how much they packed into it. I wonder if Disney+ saw an in increase in views of The Phantom Menace and Clone Wars/Rebels series recently?
  9. Yeah, kinda. I think it had to do with the long break between season as all the actors look older. Plus filming during COVID may have something to do with. That being said I see The Princess Bride herself directed a couple of the episodes too. https://news.yahoo.com/ozark-viewers-only-just-realising-212529249.html
  10. Just finished the first half of the final season of OZARK. Great series throughout, definitely one of Netflix's top series IMHO.
  11. Yeesh, Netflix is going all in on He-Man. There are other cool 1980s cartoons they could have rebooted. *cough* ROBOTECH *cough*
  12. Since the 1980s I've only watched the International version of Megazone 23 part 2, loved the dubbing work by the ROBOTECH voice actors. Some of the best dubbing I've seen in anime IMHO. This week I watched the Japanese language version for the first time and it seemed kinda awful, especially BD's voice. I was so used to him sounding more masculine in the english dub, lol. International English dub VS Original Japanese language
  13. Reminds me of The Mandalorian and looks well made however HALO should have been made into a high caliber action movie series instead of a streaming drama series IMHO. Part of me wonders if this is because movie theaters are dying.
  14. Holy full bladder, Batman!! Hollywood really should bring back the intermission for long ass movies 😫💩 Robert Pattinson’s ‘The Batman’ Runs Nearly 3 Hours With Credits https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/the-batman-runtime-3-hours-1235078120/
  15. Wild dude. RIP.
  16. Blizzard fans should be thankful it's not Electronic Arts buying out Blizzard/Activision. Everything EA touches turns to dust or poop or poop dust.
  17. Finished the first season. It has good action but it's not as compelling as THE WITCHER as its pretty hard to beat the charisma of it's main star. That being said PRIME needs way more content!!
  18. New trailer. I did like the first season!
  19. Didn't know it till last night but Ralph Macchio is older than Thomas Ian Griffith (Terry Silver) by several months. Which is funny as Terry was a Vietnam vet and Danny was still a teenager when KK3 was made.
  20. Palpatine was a great villain that complimented the prequels and original trilogy, definitely one of my favorite characters. The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise is also one of my favorite scenes in all of Star Wars!! Painfully Palpatine was used as a cheap plot device in RoS. Shame on you JJ!! Still, I think it can't be hard to create new villains. The Mandalorian, Clone Wars, etc had a bunch!
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