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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. I'll watch it when it comes to HBO Max. I resigned up for HBO Max last week for their annual $104.99 plan plus $50 cash back from my AMEX credit card which is a steal IMO.
  2. I enjoyed MoS, don't get the hate for it. That being said we already had two sequels, lol.
  3. Finished the finale. Decent series, just needs more of the last two episodes to keep it interesting. I will say the Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordow/War games does better in telling old lore.
  4. That season finale episode could have been far better, especially after the previous two which were the best in the season IMO. Still, I'm very much looking forward to more She-Hulk and I expect her to be super popular in the films.
  5. A multi-generational actress, Recommend seeing her in original The Manchurian Candidate. RIP
  6. Heh, looks like it was a good thing Netflix lost out though I think HBO could have made a good series still. Netflix and HBO Reportedly Pitched Lord of the Rings TV Shows Alongside Amazon https://www.ign.com/articles/netflix-and-hbo-reportedly-pitched-lord-of-the-rings-tv-shows-alongside-amazon
  7. Too late imo. Jamie Foxx is a good actor but I think they need to find younger talent.
  8. Yeah, the episodes are long and there is a long build up that I hope pays off. Though I felt the same about Game of Thrones early in its first season too. That being said, as much money as Amazon put into Rings of Power (and it shows!) I still think THE BOYS is their top series imho.
  9. Trailer was decent but the last season lowered the bar significantly.
  10. Already planning our next family trip and its to San Diego in late May of next year. We plan on visiting Disney World there. Hadn't visited there since 2005 so I expect much changes.
  11. Showed the trailer to my 8 year old daughter, the targeted audience, and she can't wait to see the movie next April!
  12. Yeah, the onslaught of cheaped out post-process 3D movies killed 3D which is a shame. Outside of AVATAR were few 3D movies that stood out during that phase, namely TRON: legacy and The Hobbit trilogy, because they were actually filmed in 3D. That being said I still have two Panasonic plasma 3D televisions that I never watched a 3D movie on. Wearing the glasses seem like a pain to set up, lol.
  13. Ali is a good actor and I suspect he can only take so much crap before quitting himself.
  14. Iconic music for its day. RIP
  15. We do have young children, my daughter turned 8 while we were there and my son turns 5 before Christmas, so it was not a very relaxing trip lol. Having a stroller for my son helped a lot!! But yeah, we thought the same about EPCOT's attractions too. The food was good but way over priced. We stayed on resort at Art of Animation and we were paying between $120 to $150 a day on food alone there and at the parks! Next time we'll do AirBnB to save money on stay and food.
  16. Didn't get to GoG, too busy that day at EPCOT and it was a hot day too 🥵 I think we missed out on a lot there ☹️
  17. Took my family to WDW last week for 5 day park visit, just in time with Hurricane Ian hitting this week too! Lot to say on our experience but here are some highlights from the trip. STAR WARS GALAXY'S EDGE was amazing! Seeing the life size Millennium Falcon in person was a huge thrill! All three Star Wars rides were awesome, the updated Star Tours in 3D is my favorite of the three. Rise of the Resistance ride was yuge!! Also, my almost 5 year old son thought he was in trouble when he saw the cast members dressed as First Order officers 😹 Lightning pass was worth it as my kids were getting burnt out by the long lines. Missed out on the Avatar: Flight of Passage ride as my son was too short for it and we didn't want to wait separately. Next time!
  18. This can be really good using today's amazing VFX though story, acting and sets will still matter a lot! That being said, I'd love to see a faithful film adaptation of the book Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep someday.
  19. Watched it, its OK and the format is getting kinda old. MCU will never be on the grown up level that DCU has been.
  20. Great stuff. You could make a whole documentary about the making of this movie.
  21. Since this movie is making so much money I wonder if Disney is trying to get Joseph Kosinski back to direct to direct the cancelled TRON: Legacy sequel or did they burn that bridge? LOL.
  22. It's a shame it's not The Addams Family as their whole thing was fun in the original series but I guess Wednesday is the cool one, thanks to Cristina Ricci's role back in the 1990s.
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