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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Including THE BOYS I had no idea that PRIME could make my favorite comic book hero streaming series. Way better than what is on Disney+ IMHO.
  2. schmaltz /SHmôlts,SHmälts/ noun informal noun: schmaltz; noun: schmalz excessive sentimentality, especially in music or movies. "at the end of the film the audience are drowned in a sea of schmaltz"
  3. 1923 on Paramount+ is just as good as 1883. Taylor Sheridan is a master at writing westerns. Gotta wait till February 5th for the next episode, ugh.
  4. I keep saying TRON is one of Disney's greatest untapped properties. Lets see where they go with this.
  5. Disney is dumb AF for not utilizing TRON in any of their streaming.
  6. It's on PRIME, watched it last night and glad I didn't pay to see it in the theater. Stupid mashing of different action genres and kinda cringe. Hope they end it here and do a remake that is closer to the original books.
  7. Or just play ALIEN: Isolation again. Which I did a couple of months ago, lol.
  8. Amazing movie magic! My 8 year old daughter can't wait till see the sequel on Disney+. I'd love to take her to see it in 3D but don't know if she is ready for a 3+ hour long film yet, lol.
  9. Just finished THE MENU on HBO Max. Great cast and fun to watch, highly recommended. ,
  10. OK, that RENFIELD trailer looks great. Sign me up!
  11. AC7's flight action is fun but I skip through the story cut scenes as they are boring AF. Only gripe is I wished the controls were more configurable for game controllers.
  12. Yeah, Obi was such a huge disappointment. SHE-HULK had potential but missed the landing by a mile with that season finale.
  13. AC7 is $10 on STEAM sale that is to end in a couple of hours so I just bought it and installing now.
  14. Watching the original AVATAR on Disney+ with my 8 year old daughter and its really holding her interest. That being said it still looks amazing today.
  15. Yeah, kinda surprised by that as I know people that enjoyed 1899. I guess it didn't survive Netflix's algorithm. Oh well, another reason not to re-start my subscription with Netflix.
  16. Ugh, was tempted to restart my Netflix subscription for these movies plus after reading the bad reviews for Pale Blue Eye it looks like I'll delay that.
  17. Saw the movie in 3D and my bladder survived, lol! It was great eye candy and there were trailers for upcoming movies that looked good in 3D, namely Super Mario Bros and Ant-Man & Wasp: Quantamania. That being said Avatar was very long and could have benefited from cutting about 45min from it. Plus I didn't like its plot gimmicks in trying to re-use a villain. Other than that I did like its message about family this time around.
  18. Watching Pennyworth on HBO Max. It's about Alfred Pennyworth years before he was the Wayne's butler in Batman. It's well made but I don't like it as much as my wife does. Definitely not for kids.
  19. CHAINSAW MAN is stupid good. Wildest anime I've watched in years.
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