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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Snyder's adaptations (300, Watchmen, DC movies) are really good however his original films (Sucker Punch, Army of the Dead) are not IMHO. Netflix films in general are kinda weak overall tbh. Apple is doing a heckuva job chasing that GenX dollar, lol. Good business is where you find it šŸ˜œ
  2. ANDOR is a very high bar and what I've seen of Ahsoka clips is that is more along the REBEL/CLONE WARS series which is what we want anyways.
  3. Quick update that I found you can get a gift card membership with Apple TV+ for 6months/$33.99 or 12months/$62.99 via Costco. Subscription voucher has to be redeemed 1 year from purchase date. Sounds like a good deal! edit: I bought a 12 month voucher and will activate when the Monarch series starts.
  4. Pretty much what I'm going to do. Reminds me I need to cancel Netflix. Again! LOL
  5. Looks great so sign me up! I also didn't know it took place in the same universe as the recent films so that's pretty cool too.
  6. Whopppaaaa!! Watttaaaaaa!!
  7. Was in New Zealand the last two weeks and only had Prime at my AirBnB so I went through several series during my downtime there. The stand-out was UNDONE, a series I never heard of before that I enjoyed so much that I'll watch it again with my wife very soon.
  8. Heh, just saw Rise of the Beasts is on Paramount+. I'll check it out later next month after I return from my trip to New Zealand.
  9. Casting Margot Robbie as BARBIE instead of Amy Schumer looks like a wise choice. Will check the movie out when it comes to streaming.
  10. Definitely 1TB minimum if you're PC gaming. SSD prices are coming down, finally. Shop around. EDIT: I was curious as to prices and found Samsung 970 1Tb for $50. That's amazing! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MFZY2F2?tag=slickdeals&ascsubtag=5574d3302a1d11eead76728b6ce44b6a0INT&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
  11. I bet some corn bread his character will be an artificial person.
  12. Yay, moar LAWN MOWER MAN lol.
  13. Though I hadn't seen the anime series its best they leave the anime wackiness to the anime.
  14. Let's see how this plays out. I recall thinking the TERMINATOR television series was gonna suck but then I found it was very good early on and then it got cancelled šŸ¤¬
  15. Interesting. This could be good for MAX as they need a good sci-fi series in their streaming line up. Babylon 5 Creator Says a Single Warner Bros. Executive Stopped the Showā€™s Comeback for Close to 20 Years https://me.ign.com/en/tv-shows/210451/news/babylon-5-creator-says-a-single-warner-bros-executive-stopped-the-shows-comeback-for-close-to-20-yea
  16. Totally forgot about this series, lol. First season was OK. Not sure I can convince my wife to watch the second season with me.
  17. Could be Disney's next ANDOR meaning its really well made but with a small audience.
  18. While it looks good I'm still not sure about this movie. Feel like I've seen this "robots have rights/feelings too" theme way too many times in sci-fi.
  19. We're almost done with these latest episodes and having trouble keeping up as its so fragmented. Can definitely get an idea why Caville wasn't digging the direction of the series too. That being said, I can't wait till see what Caville does with his 40K series on PRIME!!
  20. JJ Abrams was an unwitting accomplice and not entirely his fault, It's still all on KK and to that affect damaged STAR TREK too. I'll explain why... In the below interview from 2013 JJ explains he originally turned down directing Star Wars so he could concentrate on Star Trek. The first Star Trek reboot film was great imho. However f'ing KK "called again" to JJ and I suspect she offered a mega-yacht worth of money to direct TFA. JJ shouldn't have done both properties so that lowered the quality of Star Trek and Star Wars films. F'ing greed!! https://www.starwarsnewsnet.com/2013/04/jj-abrams-interview-with-playboy.html ABRAMS: I mean, I get it. The worlds are vastly different. Honestly, that was why I passed on Star Wars to begin with. I couldnā€™t imagine doing both. But when I said that my loyalty was to Star Trek I was literally working on finishing this cut. I couldnā€™t even entertain another thought. It was like being on the most beautiful beach in the world and someone saying, ā€œThereā€™s this amazing mountain over here. Come take a look.ā€ I couldnā€™t balance the two, so I passed on Star Wars. PLAYBOY: What happened between saying no and saying yes? ABRAMS: It was a wild time. I was near the light at the end of the tunnel with my work on Star Trek. I felt I needed a bit of a breather, actually. But then Kathleen Kennedy [the new Lucasfilm head who oversees Star Wars] called again. Iā€™ve known her for years. We had a great conversation, and the idea of working with her on this suddenly went from being theoretical and easy to deny to being a real, tangible, thrilling possibility. In the end it was my wife, Katie, who said if it was something that really interested me, I had to consider it.
  21. Expect less MARVEL and STAR WARS. I think this is a double edged sword as Disney+ is in desperate need of fresh content but they shouldn't saturate with STAR WARS and Marvel too. Disney pulling back on making Marvel, Star Wars content, Iger says https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/13/disney-cuts-back-on-marvel-star-wars-content.html
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