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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. On Winona? Of course! Not so much during her crazy shop lifting days tho, lol. On a side note my young son had a crush on Jenna Ortega from her Wednesday Addams meme Youtube videos, lol.
  2. I'll just post this here since its a movie tie in. I must say the make up for Collin Farrell is excellent.
  3. Rewatching some scenes of the original film on Youtube. I totally forgot it was rated PG, lol.
  4. Have you played WORLD OF WARSHIPS? LOL. It's full of seniors older than this guy. The theme of WOWS is WWI and WWII warships (battleships, cruisers, etc) so obviously it attracts an older audience.
  5. Welp, its a teaser alright! Curious to see more tho!
  6. M. Emmet Walsh, Blade Runner and Knives Out Actor, Dies at 88 https://www.ign.com/articles/m-emmet-walsh-blade-runner-knives-out-actor-dies-88
  7. It looks and sounds like ALIEN (with some ALIENS) but seems to gain a lot of inspiration from the ISOLATION game which is a good thing. Hopefully its really good!
  8. Update that my local Alamo Drafthouse responded that they won't show THE CROW (1994) this October ☹️ They do have a showing this week on a Tuesday night. Ugh. Yes, I know the film was originally released in May 1994 but a showing close to Halloween would have been really cool! Oh well, I'll watch it on streaming around that time instead!
  9. Watched the Acolyte trailer and it failed to motivate me to restart my Disney+ subscription. Guess I'm still gonna have to wait till the second season of ANDOR is released.
  10. If inclined they could almost make a spin-off series about Rosie's after war pursuit as a prosecutor in the Nuremburg trials. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Rosenthal_(USAAF_officer)
  11. https://www.facebook.com/RealAlexProyas/posts/2140569062976541?ref=embed_post
  12. I think you did! I still have several months before my APPLE+ subscription ends 🤩
  13. Finished MASTER OF THE AIR and its the new best series I watched in a past year's time. I joined APPLE+ for Monarch but glad I stayed for MASTER OF THE AIR. That being said, Austin Butler is helluva an actor. The rest of the cast nailed it too.
  14. Already did, lol. I do see my local Alamo Drafthouse has a showing of THE CROW (1994) this month on a Tuesday but think it would be more cool to see it in October before Halloween this year. On a side note I still have my worn copy of THE CROW that I bought this time in 1994 and the price I paid is a tad lower than the special edition you can buy on Amazon today, lol. Highly recommended to read! https://www.amazon.com/Crow-Special-James-OBarr/dp/1451627254/ref=sr_1_1?crid=CC5AON90KRW0&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.uQBlxIXyUHOyiyx3DbiXeiKC38hu4Dx78sA45kF8091WoGGu08aVzxcmOiJEMI1UwIlV6lp4T2WBHRPu1jndNI2Bp2xwfgqduPxHAhZfVCtf4x4wl3QhFc5N6n0PmVUWQcJoiqnxqU3_bSN7oc7Tiaj8OpmZpwbwmVgYn8vmvUNNW5SukYQPxcqGm57oG4dWmqkON_zAKpnZKKWg5Cs3cFLplrEgB2VXg9CR4SCI7BI.h0Ts2yBKhpUi9HBf4Y3z-RWsfvkTPoqrDCeH3-qj1t0&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+crow&qid=1710593982&sprefix=the+crow%2Caps%2C119&sr=8-1#customerReviews
  15. I regret not be able to see the original THE CROW in the theater as it was released while I was in US Army basic training 30 years ago. wow. I'm hoping my local Alamo Drafthouse will have a showing around Halloween this year.
  16. When ROBOCOP saved Pee-Wee Herman from ED-209 at the 1988 Academy Awards ceremony 🤣
  17. Very disappointing that it has less to do with the source material than the original film which is more evidence that Hollywood thinks its audience is dumb. If it was me producing the film it would be closer to the source material and filmed in black and white with a early 1990s setting.
  18. On a side note I'm rewatching BATMAN 1989 with my 9 year old daughter. She prefers it over THE BATMAN and Christopher Nolan trilogy. She did mention the gun shot SFX sounds very old. lol
  19. I'm kinda surprised by this however huge congrats to the Godzilla Minus One team!!
  20. Definitely this, it's a generation thing. Notice it with my own young children who don't care about toys like I did growing up. They play with some LEGOs and enjoy cuddling with their Squishmellows but couldn't care less about having the latest toy. They prefer digital entertainment with games on their tablets which is great as its less clutter and plastic that would eventually end in a landfill.
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