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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. 24 is one of the few series my wife and I enjoy watching together and we're glad its back. We watched Monday's episode on the DVR and it was awesome. The show has not skipped a beat. FOX should just bring back 24 for a few more seasons!!
  2. I don't think anybody did x2
  3. Looks good, even for a police drama. However, FOX will cancel it after it's first season
  4. Keeping the CGI look stings the fans of the Clone Wars, myself included, who feel the last season was cut too damn short.
  5. Disney really dropped the ball when it came to animation style. They should of dropped the CGI for a new style. This fan made video is pure inspiration!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGl6r5tQYPM
  6. I remember being excited for the Clone Wars after seeing its first trailer, and this was after lack-luster prequel films ended. The trailer for the new series has me disliking it already.
  7. This film has been spoilerific. Ugh! But it is Godzilla and its not like its totally new. I wish they went the Cloverfield route and kept the monsters hidden till the film's release.
  8. Speaking of toys. At six years old I had the plush toy that was based on the Hanna Barbera cartoon series. I carried it everywhere I went. I remember cutting off its tongue as I thought it looked dumb, lol.
  9. I didn't watch it and glad too as FOX is known for cancelling Sci-Fi series too quickly. I still feel that sting of the Terminator series cancellation.
  10. Edit: I also paid money to see him in Super Mario Bros. too, lol.
  11. I remember last seeing him in Snow White. Always a good actor, check him out in The Cotton Club.
  12. If you have a large screen smart TV I highly suggest watching the latest trailer on it. I watched it on my 65in Panasonic 1080p plasma and it looked amazing. Watching the trailer on a smaller PC monitor does not do it justice.
  13. A picture tells a thousand words. Mark Hamill is talking, perhaps brainstorming, with Max von Sydow? Interesting to see the young actors chat amongst themselves. Even more interesting to see Harrison listening to a animated JJ Abrams. Meanwhile Andy Serkis is intently reading his script, lol. Even though we didn't see Billy Dee Williams cast in this film it doesn't mean he won't be in another SW film.
  14. Ugh, on my favorite sites I saw posts for new trailers showing Godzilla fighting other monsters. As much as I want to see these trailers I want to avoid them so my eyes will be fresh for the action on the big screen.
  15. I think the design has to do with physics of the action effects. I'm hoping this Godzilla design looks better in motion than it does in a still photo. I remember folk freaking out when they saw the Transformer designs for the Michael Bay films, especially for Megatron and Optimus Prime. In the end it worked great on screen.
  16. I'm not a Harry Potter fan but if I was at Hogwarts I'd kill her before Voldemort. I actually own a painting by the guy that played Biff, Tom Wilson http://www.bigpopfun.com/originals.shtml
  17. The hate for the 1998 American Godzilla film is getting old. I liked it when it was first released, saw it three times in the theater. The only bad part was the acting, mainly by Maria Pitillo, but the acting the Japanese Godzilla films we're mostly bad too. LOL
  18. I went sorta retro by reloading Crysis 1 on my new PC rig that I built last month. Hard to believe the game was released in 2007 as it still looks great at max settings! I wanted to play it again to test out my new GPU, AMD 280X. My old rig using a AMD 4850 and then a 6870 could barely do medium to medium high settings.
  19. I'm avoiding that extended look trailer as I don't want to see any spoilers. I'm happy with just a teaser and then a full trailer if I'm sold on a movie. Still, I can't wait! Godzilla is at the top of my must-see list!!
  20. Real shame we never saw a BSG film. The series's effects on a motion picture budget would of been amazing!!
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