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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. This is really disappointing as I thought Disney would hold this kind of film to a much higher standard. Makes me worry about the next Star Wars film.
  2. Hmmm, same goes for a 'A Million Ways to Die In the West' as well. The optimist in me says there isn't any reviews yet because of the Memorial Day Weekend, the pessimist thinks its because they both suck.
  3. I enjoyed the new movie. What bugged at first was that I thought Professor X died in The Last Stand till I read about the post credits scene that I never heard of or saw, lol.
  4. I'm watching Knight of Sidonia. It's good, kinda like Attack on Titan in space
  5. Heh, I'm surprised this hadn't been posted yet. I bet the Disney execs were waiting to see how Godzilla did last weekend before they asked Gareth Edwards to direct their Star Wars spin-off. I think he can pull it off, maybe even do a better job than Godzilla since he has more experience now. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/star-wars-spinoff-hires-godzilla-706636
  6. There is a lot of comparisons between this new Godzilla, Pacific Rim, 1998 Godzilla and Toho's Godzilla films. Really I think it should be compared to Cloverfield. To me that was a great monster movie filmed in a fresh way where the 'less is more' style worked because the monster was new. That doesn't work in the new film because we all know who Godzilla is. Also, the Cloverfield acting was way better and the characters were more relatable, especially for the younger crowd. Godzilla was awesome but Hollywood better listen to the fans if they are to be successful with a sequel.
  7. Yeah, that was a cool cameo. I can't wait to see him in 22 Jump Street. Chicks love him but I think he is a good entertainer.
  8. I'll wait on the reviews before seeing this. If the reviews are good I may see it. The wife loves Channing Tatum so it won't be hard to bring her with me
  9. That was pretty cool. I came here for the Macross but I was a fan of Godzilla years before I discovered anime, damn I'm old.
  10. After a $93 million opening weekend a sequel looks to be already in the works. I think a different director for the sequel would be ideal. I think David Yates could direct a great Godzilla film. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/box-office-godzilla-opens-monstrous-705168
  11. Remember before Pacific Rim when Godzilla and other Toho monsters were called monsters and not kaiju? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
  12. My wife and I were at Target and I just had to buy the Godzilla toy there. Its made by Bandai and its pretty cool. After we got home I introduced our pets to Godzilla. The cats were curious but our yorkshire terrier was a little frightened by it, lol.
  13. While watching the movie I realized Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen who play husband and wife are also playing the twins in the Avengers 2. Heh.
  14. Just saw it tonight. The acting was OK, still far better than the 1998 version and most Toho films. There was plenty of Godzilla action to see and I hope to see more in a sequel soon! It did not disappoint this old time Godzilla fan!! I recommend seeing it on the largest screen you can find.
  15. This is how I felt about the 1998 Godzilla film. Except for Maria Pitillo's performance the acting in it was better than any of the Japanese Godzilla films filmed after the first one. I think the Japanese re-release of Gojira last decade created a population of elitist 'Gojira' poseurs who didn't grow up with Godzilla like many my age or older did. That being said, Godzilla is the main star and I hope 'the less is more' thing in this new film doesn't turn me off. Peter Jackson didn't pull that crap with King Kong thankfully.
  16. The fan video was good but the soundtrack choice really threw me off. They should of used the original Akira soundtrack or some other music that isn't so easily recognized.
  17. The reviews are coming. So far it looks awesome! http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/05/11/godzilla-review
  18. Its not Rodan but a new monster, supposedly a 'muto.' From what I read Hollywood only bought the rights to Godzilla and not the other Toho monsters so they had to create new ones. If they are to make a sequel they should buy buy the rights to a few well known Toho monsters.
  19. I really like Cloverfield and I don't think we'd see this Godzilla film if it wasn't for Godzilla really. That being said, I'd love to see a Cloverfield sequel!
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