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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. I enjoyed the show. It seemed ripped from Frank Miller's comics and separated itself from Christopher Nolan's films quite well. Something that SHIELD should of done instead of riding on The Avenger's coat tails. Jada Pinkett Smith did a great job as Fish Mooney, totally blew away my expectations. The only thing I would of changed was adding Barbara later in the season or series, leave romantic options for Gordon. The sound track needs a huge improvement too. Other than that I'm gonna keep watching the show.
  2. It'd be nice if they actually stuck to the book, damn it was good. But yeah, I get your point too. Michael Crichton was also a movie director so I think he wrote his books in a way that would work on film. I remember reading Rising Sun before it was casted thinking Sean Connery would be an awesome John Connor and a couple of year later sure enough he got the role.
  3. The trailer gives me that Van Helsing vibe. Man that film sucked.
  4. I liked the third film, good fun action. The second film was awful, hard to believe Steven Spielberg actually directed it too. Plus it had very little to do with the book, The Lost World, which is sad as its actually one of my favorite books too. It was so good I finished reading it in a day.
  5. Real shame Michael Crichton died, he was my favorite author. So much so that I bought a signed first edition of Jurassic Park that I discovered in a antique shop this year. Cost me $400 and though it's hard to find the real value of the book I don't plan on ever selling it.
  6. That's what makes it work on film. Same goes for submarine films like Das Boot and Hunt for Red October, I love those movies!
  7. My favorite tank movie is still The Beast.
  8. I just finished James Spader's interview in Playboy. I expect him to give Ultron the creepy cool vibe that James has given to his past characters.
  9. I'd be surprised if it actually makes to production. It seems like ever since Speed Racer's failure Hollywood has given up on anime films.
  10. I watched Akira for the first time last night... subtitled on Blu-Ray! IIRC I remember first seeing the dubbed version back in 1990 but never watched the subtitled version. I actually liked the subtitled version but as usual it does distract from the action on the screen.
  11. The Greatest American Hero is expected to make a comeback to television. I remember the series was fun, great theme song too. http://deadline.com/2014/08/greatest-american-hero-remake-put-pilot-fox-826823/
  12. Hopefully a Underworld reboot will make vampires interesting again.
  13. If I was a Hollywood hotshot I'd make a live action film or trilogy Attack on Titan film. I think the biggest hurdle would be the violence would make it rated-R.
  14. Looks like District 9 but this time with social commentary regarding robots aka slaves
  15. You can also add Star Trek Into Darkness into the list. He's tainted everything he touches so I'm boycotting him. Damon is the Uwe Boll of Hollywood writers.
  16. Leftovers was a no go for me after I saw it was written and produced by Damon Lindelof.
  17. David James as Koobus was a bad ass merc villain in District 9. I'm surprised we don't see more of his acting in Hollywood films.
  18. More Bond sountrack love. This time for Eric Serra for his work on Goldeneye. I'm sure most here will recognize his work on Luc Besson's films back in the 1990s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k830wSv9lW8
  19. It'd be nice if the studios had better control over James Bond franchise, the same way Disney's Marvel does over their films. Its always hit or miss, more miss for the past twenty years.
  20. Yeah, when I first started buying DVDs back in 2001 I never knew what 480p or even 1080p was when it came to televisions but here we are Technology is moving so fast these days and its given me pause when it comes to buying new media. I don't buy CDs anymore too, just use Amazon music.
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