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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Saw this but expect it to be pricey. We only watch about an hour of streaming a day so we're limiting our subscriptions. Right now its MAX, Paramount+, Apple+ and Prime. I don't plan on renewing my Prime subscription this year.
  2. Just started watching YELLOWJACKETS on Paramount+. Really really good.
  3. OK... Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum directed by and starring Andy Serkis https://www.ign.com/articles/new-the-lord-of-the-rings-movie-announced-for-2026
  4. I saw blue milk at my local Target last week. Who was this made for?? lol https://www.trumoo.com/products/star-wars---blue-milk
  5. Re-watched JUSTICE LEAGUE Snyder cut and was reminded of how good it was. A tragedy that WB tried to go full MCU in such short time and abandoned it just as quickly too. No idea how these new films will go but how much reboots and spin-offs can we fans take??
  6. Aw man, Bernard owned that role as King Theoden. I'm trying to convince my daughter to watch LOTR still.
  7. Definitely in the top 5 of best series that makes streaming great. However I'm still gonna cancel PRIME this year as they don't have enough in their library to hold our interest when compared to the less costly competitors. PRIME's nickel & dime price increases are a turn-off too!
  8. There was a back-up of Flynn on floppy disk.
  9. Watching the KNUCKES series on Paramount+ with my 9 year old daughter. Though I'm not invested in it like she is its a very well made series with movie quality FX.
  10. To be fair CLONE WARS had a few tries till it got the perfect ending, lol.
  11. I'd love to see a remaster of the Legacy where they update de-aged Jeff Bridges.
  12. Thank goodness for editing. Keeping the chestburster scene short is better without overdoing the shock value which can detract from the quality of the film imho.
  13. On a side note Fallout's VFX reminds me of The Boy's (especially the gory violence FX) so I wonder if we'll see similar qaulity in Henry Cavill's Warhammer 40K series? The Brotherhood of Steel's knights costumes are probably a good test for Space Marine's armor I wonder too.
  14. So basically Viva Las Vegas forever? lol https://www.vivalasvegas.net/
  15. One more episode left and one of my biggest takeaways is the list of forgotten actors as guest stars in this series. Namely Erik Estrada, Michael Rappaport and Mykelti Williamson.
  16. 2024 seems to be the year of kids movies. RIP to my wallet, lol. To save money my wife and I will split taking the kids to certain movies. For example my wife will take the kids to Garfield and I'll take them to Transformers One. We'll probably all go together for certain movies like Inside Out 2.
  17. Few episodes in and I like it, not love though. My wife is meh with her opinion, lol. Neither of us played the game so that may matter? On a side note I'm cancelling PRIME this year. Outside a few series (namely THE BOYS and INVINCIBLE) their streaming library is kinda weak plus I'm finding better shopping deals locally and with other online retailers.
  18. Showed the trailer to my young children and they want to see it. As for the rest of us older fans... we still have TRANSFORMERS 1986 😅
  19. We are not the target audience for this movie ☹️I guess we'll be for the live action TRANSFORMERS/GI JOE cross over film??
  20. Hmmm, while its not Transformers 1986 epicness it looks like it'll just be a decent family movie. TBH I was expecting more...
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