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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. I remember he was the head vampire in Lost Boys.
  2. Heh, just noticed your screen name. I was in the 50th Signal Bn from 1995 to 1999. I loved partying on NYE at the local clubs in Fayetteville.
  3. Happy New Year's, I'm at work
  4. Recommend me a Yamato 2199 'Art of' book.
  5. I saw it today and it was the weakest of all three but that doesn't mean its bad. Also, I agree that Peter Jackson has gone full Lucas as well.
  6. The last good film I saw with Liam Neeson in it was the LEGO movie.
  7. PC Gamer gave ALIEN: Isolation their GOTY award and its well deserved too! I played some great games this year like South Park and Shadow of Mordor but A:I edged them out as one of my all time favorites. Still, the fact that A:I received GOTY makes IGN look dumber by the day. http://www.pcgamer.com/game-of-the-year-2014-alien-isolation/
  8. It's wrong to blame Sony as they are the victim, the NORKs deserve our wrath for this. Also, think about it. Sony pulled the film out of fear that they cannot be protected by the government. We didn't see this after 9/11 so why are we seeing this now. Kim Jong Un has elevated himself to the new Prophet Mohammed.
  9. What is to stop them from threatening Google who own Youtube? This is why we don't negotiate with terrorists. The moral of the story is: Cyberterrorism works. This sets a ghastly precedent.
  10. The more I think about this the Japanese are the ones that should consider this an act of war. RAISE THE YAMATO!
  11. I appreciate you agreeing with me but we shouldn't cave into threats or extortion, even over what may be a crappy movie this is still a threat on our way of life.
  12. This incident should be taken more seriously, it's an act of war IMHO. If NK can do this to a huge corporation like Sony then our financial institutions, infrastructure and power grid are dangerously at risk too.
  13. After seeing the Hunger Games: Mockingjay part 1 last weekend I've come to the realization that Hollywood must stop this fad of breaking films into two parters or in The Hobbit's case, a trilogy. They end being filled with boring filler. I didn't read The Hobbit or the final Hunger Games and Harry Potter books and the first part is always lame. A longer film would be more ideal than one broken up into separate parts.
  14. I'll be seeing it in 3D at my local theater. I'm not expecting anything great which is a shame as its Tolkien. Hollywood needs to stop stretching out books into two or more movies, they fill them with such boring crap to make them feature length.
  15. The effects look good but I'll watch it when it comes to FIOS or Netflix.
  16. I bet it has something to do with both being written by Michael Crichton
  17. The trailer is kinda confusing and Thomas Jane looks weird with that 90s style long hair.
  18. Oh snap! A new Godzilla game is coming too! I loved the melee game on the Gamecube/XBOX. https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLi9Mlnjwioo9tay6jiZSY7BJZd8irqm5J&v=qgUCzEOMADI
  19. Oh good, Japan is making more Godzilla movies. Hopefully the film(s) will remind the elitists here how bad Japanese acting in their Godzilla films is compared to the ones made in the USA.
  20. What is sad is this is almost a re-hash of the TV series that I loved! That being said... Summer Glau or GTFO!
  21. Casting Christoph Waltz as the villain seems like a cop out. Great actor but I think they could of found someone against this typecast. I'd like to see Christian Bale using his native British accent as the villain.
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