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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Night Shift is on HBO this month! Pretty hard to get past the early 1980s style at first but its cool because the film also stars The Fonz!
  2. I don't know anyone that owned a 3DO either, probably because it was $600 IIRC. I do remember eyeing its pretty graphics when it was on display at the mall.
  3. I guess so. Funny enough last Saturday was controversy movie day for me. First with American Sniper at the theater then The Interview that evening on Netflix
  4. Good question. I remember first seeing Michael Keaton in Ron Howard's Night Shift (yes, I'm that old) and really enjoyed his movies back in the 1980s but his career went into a nose dive after Batman Returns. I don't get what happened to him, bad agent perhaps? Anyways, I hadn't seen Birdman yet but I'm glad he is making a comeback of sorts. Another Ron Howard classic starring Michael Keaton is Gung Ho. On a side note I did want to see Birdman last week but only had time for one film and that was American Sniper. Great movie and I'm surprised we don't have a thread on it, should I start one??
  5. Watching the trailer made me appreciate the work that goes into the sound effects for today's anime series. Great stuff!
  6. I saw The Interview on Netflix last weekend. If you like Seth Rogen films then I highly recommend it. Pure bathroom humor!
  7. I'd rather have Simon Pegg write the next film than he fools that wrote the last film, they should be kicked in the nuts!
  8. ALIENS... Get away from her you bitch! http://youtu.be/FSrcMaid0mg?t=7s
  9. Freaky... if it actually works as advertised. On the gaming front I think visual headsets will be what audio headphones currently are. Just like 7.1 headphones replacing speakers, wires and a subwoofer a visual headset can do the same, I hope, by replacing a large monitor on your desk. My only concern is that these headset don't cause headaches or vision problems.
  10. Almost $20K for that?! I mean its awesome but damn...
  11. I take offense to your statement as I posted my opinion before on this same series regarding its subtitles vs dubbed without backlash, see below link for evidence. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41294&page=2#entry1134813
  12. Heh, the dub version is slightly better than subbed. It also made more sense of what was going on in the storyline, plus my eyes could concentrate on the pretty anime instead of the subtitles
  13. Finished Deadman Wonderland, ugh. I hate anime that does not reward the viewer.
  14. Looks better than the last trailer. Still, Elysium was an awful movie so I'll wait for reviews before seeing Chappie.
  15. Yeah, duh. I can't believe I have to explain it. Trautman explained to Rambo that he could either stay in prison or go find POWs in commieland. Prison or fight, that is a choice.
  16. From the film's Wiki: John Rambo, having been sentenced to hard labor, is working in a labor camp prison when he gets a visit from his former commander, Colonel Sam Trautman. Trautman offers Rambo the chance to be released from prison after the events of the first film and given full clemency on condition of him going back to Vietnam to search for POWs.
  17. I guess in Rambo 2 when he was dropped into Vietnam he didn't expect to run into any commies Remember, he chose to go there.
  18. RAMBO was such a disappointment. Rambo better be kicking ISIS butt this time around.
  19. I'm watching Deadman Wonderland on Netflix. Its good but the episodes seem short.
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