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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. I'm enjoying it more as it's finally catching up with the comic.
  2. I'm hoping this isn't another re-hash of ALIENS as what Blomkamp's art suggests. They should be looking at ALIEN: Isolation for inspiration instead. Make this new film scary like the original was!
  3. On some side news Neill Blomkamp's next film after Chappie is an ALIEN movie. I think FOX is making another mistake like they did with the sequels after Aliens and Prometheus. Neill Blomkamp's art suggests he wants to re-visit Aliens which would of been cool almost thirty years ago but in reality they should use ALIEN: Isolation for inspiration instead. http://variety.com/2015/film/news/new-alien-movie-confirmed-at-fox-with-director-neill-blomkamp-1201436551/
  4. I hadn't watched the last episode but they are really displaying all the villains now. They're gonna need a teen Batman as I don't think that kid from the OC is gonna be able to keep up Still a great show btw.
  5. Ugh! The scenes with Judith are killing me, she reminds me of my five month old daughter Especially the beginning of the last season where that Terminus guy threatened to kill her As a new parent this is one of my worst nightmares...
  6. As someone that grew up watching bad 80s films I look forward to this. Seriously, the films I sat through in the theater I could not watch today. LOL Ugh, I'm old. Did anybody else here remember seeing this gem in the theater back in 1983 in 3D?!
  7. What do you recommend on Netflix this month?
  8. I still listen to the Robotech soundtrack, it was way ahead of its time.
  9. Never underestimate the power of nostalgia! I loved the Agent Smith/GE commercial however the Morpheus one sucked ballz.
  10. Robots good, white people bad!
  11. I think this was expected. The rumor mill has it the Wachowskis may have to look at making another Matrix film if they want to make money again. Even though the last film sucked I would still love to see a new Matrix movie, it just needs a good story.
  12. Real Steel was better than I expected. It was like 'Over the Top' with robots!
  13. Even thought the original is still scary the trailer for the new film is decent and I expect the film to make a lot of money. On a side note my parent's were friends of the parents of the actress that played the teen daughter in the film. They were shocked when they heard the news she was murdered. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001161/?ref_=tt_cl_t4
  14. I'd be surprised if Carol survives this season.
  15. I watched Edge of Tomorrow again on HBO last weekend and just for fun I think it's director, Doug Liman, would make an excellent director for a Robotech movie.
  16. Of all the 1980s shows I'm surprised Voltron hasn't been made into a movie yet.
  17. I could never do marathons, only two episodes a day. I need time to digest what happens in each episode
  18. Heh, apparently Harry liked it. But he likes anything http://www.aintitcool.com/node/70261
  19. I'm wonder if I should skip the series and wait till it comes to Netflix just like I did with Breaking Bad
  20. I wonder if the Wachowskis are just one hit wonders with The Matrix. Except for Vendetta (two hit wonders?) everything else since has been kinda weak.
  21. As much as I'd love to see a Robotech film I don't see this happening. If folk didn't support a new series on Kickstarter then why would they even want to see the film? Just sayin'.
  22. Chris Pratt will do anything sci-fi related! He is having the success that Taylor Kitsch wish he had back in 2012. On a side note, even though Bradley Cooper did an excellent job I think Chris Pratt would of made a perfect Chris Kyle in American Sniper.
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