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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. You mean is where is the new season of Tron: Uprising?! That series was awesome! I'm excited for another Tron movie too. I'm wondering if it'll be a true sequel to Legacy or more of a reboot? I'm cool with either as long as it maintains the Tron look. It looks like Kosinski is directing again too. He's a good director but he needs to amp it up on making a stronger emotional connection with the audience. I think that was what was missing, besides Tron, in Legacy and Oblivion.
  2. I'll have to say the Inquisitor's lightsaber is the coolest one yet. Way better than that goofy three bladed thing we saw in the Ep7 trailer.
  3. Stiller should of directed that Les Grossman movie like he promised!
  4. Rick didn't go 'full Governor' in Alexandria. Yeah, but he gets cookies!
  5. That line is straight from the comic.
  6. I re-watched the last episode, it was that good. Next season will be da'bomb.
  7. From the member's reviews here that's a positive sign the film isn't that all bad. I'm still just gonna have to wait till it comes to FIOS or Netflix.
  8. Your name is Wildstyle?! Are you a DJ?
  9. Looks like he was flying the plane Solo when it crashed.
  10. Hmmm, though I'm not surprised Chappie is getting hammered with weak reviews on RottenTomatoes. Blomkamp needs to stop doing his own thing so I'm hoping the ALIENS sequel will be a good film for him. But I could be wrong. Honestly I think he should do a film based on Half-Life or Halo but when will that ever happen? http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/chappie/
  11. Very good season finale. It'll be very interesting to see where they take it next season. Also by then we'll be seeing Episode 7 too
  12. This is how I feel about the Sigourney Weaver casting rumors for Neill Blomkamp's ALIENS sequel. Hollywood should of done these sequels decades ago. I suspect the folk our age are the ones running Hollywood and loves these films like we do but its too late for them to create the movies we want. We saw this with Tron: Legacy. While being a technical marvel it didn't gain a large enough audience to make the money it should have.
  13. The Vulcan hand salute was actually inspired by Leonard Nimoy's Jewish upbringing. If you went to Hebrew school then you probably already know this
  14. Another series that Disney should bring back is Tron: Uprising, that was the best western produced animated series in decades. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjbwVzJR8w4
  15. While Disney has created great animated series I hope this new Ducktales isn't some stupid looking CGI series. Also, they need to bring back Tail Spin too!
  16. That is a good deal! I think I paid $25 for the four movie collection.
  17. Well there goes my Blu-Ray collection!
  18. Then how are you gonna prepare for the zombie apocalypse?!
  19. Whoa, that is some mighty big expectations you have given me for Big Hero 6. Still, I'm sure I'll like it
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