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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. I saw parts of The Conjuring and hadn't seen Furious 7 yet. From looking at his record James Wan on IMDB is a successful director so he could be a good choice. But will it look like Robotech? I suspect we'll see a New Generation film with Cyclones instead of the Macross saga, but I could be wrong
  2. I couldn't convince my wife to see it but my mom did watch it with a friend last weekend. She said it was slow and made her fall asleep, lol. Said it was lacking a real movie star, like George Clooney or Brad Pitt for example. I tried to explain to her films don't need a big star to make them enjoyable. I think its a generational thing when it comes to thinking a good movie requires a big star.
  3. Hopefully it'll motivate them to update their circa 2002 website.
  4. Hmmm, I wonder if I can convince my wife to go see it.
  5. I found almost all of Crichton's books read like they were made for cinema but he was also a film director so I guess that's why he wrote that way. The movie that followed his book the closest was The 13th Warrior (Eaters of the Dead). Another book that I highly recommend.
  6. I don't know if its because of the recent Star Wars trailer but I'm not as pysched to see this film as I was for the first one. Still, I'll go see it but I'm just not feeling the love of Ultron.
  7. Doesn't look worse than the cruddy JP: Lost World film, that's for sure. Shame about Lost World as that is one of my favorite books of all time, couldn't put it down and finished it in a day!
  8. I suspect it will look like The Office in space more than Galaxy Quest.
  9. Could be good but I think I'll just wait till it comes to FIOS or Netflix.
  10. Wow, they're going all out with the next season. I take it Disney is listening to the fans who weren't too thrilled with most of the first season.
  11. For more news here is this Star Wars: Battlefront trailer that I enjoyed more than the Force Awakens trailer. I'm biased because I love Battlefield! I'm actually wearing a Battlefield Friends t-shirt right now, lol.
  12. Hmmm, feels and looks too much like Zak's previous film, The Watchmen. I lament that WB didn't have the vision to tie Nolan/Bale's Batman into the new Man of Steel early enough.
  13. I've never seen a Gosling film so Blade Runner 2 may be the first, lol.
  14. I'm old enough to remember seeing The Last Starfighter in the theater. I loved it as a kid but the 'brain melting execution' and the 'android under the sheets' scenes freaked me out!. Typical 1980s kids films, lol.
  15. I thought Salvation was gonna rock, especially since it had Christian Bale but I was wrong. I thought the Sarah Connor Chronicles was gonna suck because it was made for television but I was wrong too. We just don't know if the film is good or bad till we see it.
  16. Picture of my 6 1/2 month baby girl aka 'Little Ass Kicker'
  17. ID4 was so awful that I saw it three times in the first two weeks it was out
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