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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. 30 minutes of video is considered a movie? Oh well, I'm sure it'll look cool when I watch it later tonight.
  2. JPIII was a good film, far better than the second film. The Lost World was so bad you'd think it was directed by George Lucas
  3. Well, Point Break isn't exactly a film that I had high regards for so a reboot doesn't both me. Moving forward this new film's stunts look amazing and is going for a modern 'Occupy Wallstreet' story with unknown actors.
  4. Check out Ripper Street on BBCA. Besides Gotham it's the only crime drama that truly holds my interest.
  5. I wonder why they felt compelled to film in Namibia instead of Australia? Taxes, scenery? While it looked cool Fury Road had no roots of Australia. In The Road Warrior you had the feral kid with a boomerang and there was a scene with a dead kangaroo as roadkill.
  6. Yeah, it doesn't have anything to do with the movie. Still, it may seem like a easy subject to mock and I don't want to derail this thread however if I did I'd start with 'Duke Lacrosse' and 'Rolling Stone.'
  7. Like I posted before releasing it against Pitch Perfect 2 was a bad idea. If they could they should of released this film way before the Summer films started.
  8. I am more excited than ever to play the MAD MAX game when its released this September. The gameplay is supposed to be very similar to Shadow of Mordor which is totally cool with me! On more news Pitch Perfect 2 made the MAD money as I expected this weekend. I think for MAD MAX to be more successful they should of released it earlier this year, between Fast & Furious and Age of Ultron. http://deadline.com/2015/05/pitch-perfect-2-kicking-mad-maxs-box-office-booty-on-track-for-60m-debut-1201428039/
  9. Saw it last night, it was a feast for my eyes and ears. Very little of the story or lines were memorable though, typical for an action film I guess. I do miss the Mel Gibson/Australian roots of the originals. Still, Tom Hardy was great though I think Karl Urban would of made a better Max.
  10. I'll be seeing the movie tonight with my wife. First time seeing a movie together in over six months
  11. This looks like the opposite of what makes Gotham awesome so I have no interest in it.
  12. Must be that moron that reviewed ALIEN: Isolation for IGN Anyways, early Best Picture nomination?
  13. Wow, what a waste. They should of made a retro 1980s film with music and adventure instead of this nonsense.
  14. I wonder what the vibration must of felt like in that ship when the guns fired.
  15. I watched the season finale of Gotham. Great show and I'm excited for the next season!
  16. I want to see this movie but I suspect it won't be the hit it deserves as Pitch Perfect 2 is coming out this weekend too.
  17. Does Homeworld remastered count as retro gaming? Someone needs to make a Yamato 2199 mod for it!
  18. I caught the dubbed version of Attack on Titan on Toonami this week. While the dubbing was pretty bad it freed my eyes to concentrate on the anime. Felt very fresh to watch it like that.
  19. Heh, go further back to the 1980s and check out Less Than Zero where James Spader starred as Robert Downey Jr's drug dealer/pimp. Very interesting film knowing Downey's troubled past with drugs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8TsEr7CK9s
  20. That's your own fault for watching them! I avoid clips after I'm sold on a movie I want to see. Takes will power to avoid them
  21. Haha, I actually visualized what you wrote. So yeah, I doubt we'll see Veritechs of any kind in a Robotech film. Hollywood has to look at whats cool and will sell for a property that isn't super popular. Hot young actors in a sexy Cyclones will be more appealing than not seeing them in transformable fighter planes. Plus Invid type aliens would be easier to explain to an audience than giant human Zentraedi.
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