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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Smart buying it at a store. When I bought my monitor it had several dead pixels so I was able to exchange at the store that I locally bought it from. Though the store was 45 minutes from my house it was a lot easier to deal with than shipping it back to a retailer.
  2. Who the heck knows but I'm still a PC gamer though probably moving towards laptop soon. These recent years of gaming have been kind of a low point tho.
  3. It does sound like a huge upgrade, probably need more graphics power to get the most out of it too. Having a higher refresh rate in nice. I'm running an older ACER Predator 16:9 1080p 240Hz monitor and still looks good though it'd be nice to have HDR though.
  4. Enjoyed THE THING game from 2002 and I hope the remaster is good enough for a new purchase. On a side note I didn't know it was that long ago... omfg.
  5. Looks to borrow from ALIEN, ALIENS, and Isolation. Hopefully it can stand on its own. EDIT: Showed my wife the trailer and she has no interest in seeing it. GIrls in my past relationships never care or liked any of the ALIEN films either even though it has strong female characters. What gives? lol
  6. G-1 had some SFX issues if looked at it close however the Hollywood references above were blindingly bad. If you can't do it right then don't do it all.
  7. Still hadn't seen the first two films yet.
  8. Well, poop. I'm hoping we do get more MAD MAX films. On a side note after re-watching all the movies last weekend I'd have to say The Road Warrior is the best sequel that was an improvement over the first film imho. Meaning if I'd score Mad Max a 5 or 6 and The Road Warrior is a 9. In comparison Star Wars: A New Hope or Batman Begins scores 8 and their sequels are a 10. I also still think a streaming series could work. My idea wouldn't be a 'street gang of the week' but showing how society collapses when the infrastructure (energy. water, law, etc) breaks down that eventually leads to wasteland road violence. ‘Furiosa’ Box Office Puts Brakes on George Miller’s Next ‘Mad Max’ Movie https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/mad-max-the-wasteland-furiosa-1235911133/
  9. Looks like a fun sequel. My whole family is in!
  10. Same, restarted the game too. First re-play since 2015 and its still great. Didn't realize I put in over 80 hours in my first play through tho, lol. On a side note I'm reading Furiosa is a box office bust but I don't lay blame on the movie, instead I think its on the theaters and their ticket pricing. Want to fill seats? Lower their price if its not filling!
  11. It's been a MAD MAX long weekend for me by watching all the movies on MAX, lol. Not in a particular order either. First was Fury Road followed by Road Warrior and Thunderdome and original Mad Max last. Though George Miller directed all the movies I think all the films are well made and except for Fury Road and Furiosa they are so different from each other in terms of wasteland wheeled adventure. That being said I think Mad Max could make for an excellent streaming series.
  12. Our other local (Alamo, ICON, CMX, etc) theaters actually don't have ads played when the movie is supposed to start and I guess that's what it made seem so obscene too.
  13. Saw it today. It was good, felt like a companion to the last movie. Hemsworth was great and should play more villains. Side notes though... I am never going to a Regal Cinema again. Had to sit through 30 minutes of mostly ads and some trailers after the movie was supposed to start. Unreal.
  14. Morgan had a lot of issues and wasn't a very good guy however he did make fast food restaurants change tho so I guess that is something.
  15. Uhhh, we'll wait for reviews.
  16. I think STAR WARS is making this series for the non-fans. The SW casual fan type that loves baby Yoda and says "May The 4th Be With You" on Facebook but never played KOTOR or watched an episode of REBELS or Clone Wars.
  17. The zombies were gone in the second film too... Why no 28 Months Later is an odd choice tho.
  18. I'm still hoping for a October showing of the THE CROW at my local Alamo Drafthouse. I emailed them about but they said they have no plans for it beyond this month.
  19. Back in 1998 into 1999 I remember the huge hype for THE PHANTOM MENACE but who knew THE MATRIX would steal its thunder??
  20. Roger Corman launched many Hollywood careers, best known is James Cameron.
  21. Wife and I saw THE FALL GUY for date night tonight. It's a funny and entertaining movie though I think everyone involved had a little too much fun making it, lol. It's also a love letter to Hollywood's stunt doubles too. Stunt actors are working for more recognition with the Academy Awards with their own category and deserve it however I think it could lead to deadly situations where they try to outdo each other just for an award.
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