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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Half-way through watching it dubbed. The dubbing is acceptable like last season and helps me keep my eyes on the anime action
  2. This just gets worse, just like the ALIEN sequels. I blame James Cameron for not doing a better job of holding onto those properties.
  3. This carton has me thinking the sequel will be titled... Jurassic World War! I'm half-serious on this. http://www.theinkabyss.com/jurassic-world/
  4. This article had me thinking... Ban Starblazers! Ban Space Battleship Yamato!! http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2015/06/27/japan-has-a-flag-problem-too/?tid=sm_fb
  5. Saw it today, enjoyed it. They totally set it up for another film but I hope its set outside Costa Rica next time or even San Diego for that matter.
  6. Anybody here old enough to remember seeing the first film in the theater? I saw it when I was about eleven and I remember the scene where the Terminator was blown up in the truck and collapses while on fire followed by Reese and Sarah hug thinking it was over and the Terminator was destroyed. During that scene folks in the audience started to get out of their seats and walking into the aisle thinking the film was over and then we see the Terminator endo-skeleton rise from the burning truck debris and then those folk who were about to leave were surprised and ran back to their seats. That was one of the coolest cinema experiences for me.
  7. I bought this for $95 off Amazon when I saw the news that Warner Bros. cancelled licenses for the General Lee products showing the Confederate Flag. It just arrived today and they are now going for $400 on Amazon. I'm thinking of selling it soon for a profit or keeping it to gain value in my collection.
  8. Watched the Attack on Titan OVAs. They were OK though no substitute for a second season.
  9. I looked up James Earl Jones's age on Wiki. Eeek! I hope someone is recording everything he says so his Darth Vader voice can live forever!!
  10. My post is trying not to be political but as you may be aware the Confederate Flag is suddenly mucho politically incorrect. So much so that Warner Bros. pulled licenses for the General Lee from the Dukes of Hazzard toys and are no long allowed to be made because of the flag on the car's roof. When I read that this morning I went straight to Amazon to buy a 1:18 diecast model of the General Lee for $95. A few hours later and I see they are now at almost $300! I only wish I bought a few more http://www.amazon.com/Dodge-Charger-General-Dukes-Hazzard/dp/B003ZC3TUI/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top?ie=UTF8 http://www.vulture.com/2015/06/dukes-hazzard-confederate-flag-warner-bros-stop-licensing.html
  11. I'm sure the game will be 'rocksteady' once the drivers and game patches are all released. Till then, I'll be waiting for a Steam/Origin sale as the game is too expensive even if it was working fine.
  12. The title is awful but it looks like they are going all out on SFX and action, especially since they're saving money on not having to pay Will Smith to rejoin the cast I'm glad they have Jeff Goldblum and others back though.
  13. ALIENS is my favorite but still awesome in all his soundtracks.
  14. Ooooooooo, I didn't think about that!
  15. Really good season premiere. Disney is showing true investment in Star Wars. Wish they did the same with Tron
  16. It's coming to the PS6, right?
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