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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Trailer looks way better than Batman v Superman's. This could be WB's best answer to The Avengers as DC Comic's villains are simply better and more iconic than Marvel's IMHO.
  2. I'm cool with a movie but they need to tone down the CGI and use more 80s style effects. Seriously though, Kung Fury felt more 90s than 80s really.
  3. I was born in 73 but I remember Empire Strikes Back a little more vividly, not just the film but the long friggin' lines at the cinema. We had to wait weeks for lines to die down before my parents would take me to see it. Return of the Jedi was worse with lines wrapped around the cinema house, ugh. Thankfully I never encountered that with the prequels and doubt I will with Ep7.
  4. I'm getting a little bored of the Marvel/DC films. I'd like to see a Hollywood studio take up Spawn again. The first movie was cheesy but the HBO animated series was awesome.
  5. I never read the books but thought the first two films were well made. I didn't care for the first of the two-parter so it sucked away the interest for the last film. Another example of why Hollywood should stop splitting books into separate part films. They should try and make the final film longer and more epic instead.
  6. Anybody here playing the World of Warships beta? It's super addictive. It has a pay to advance system which I'm not a fan of so I'm slowly grinding through. Since it is a good game I will pay but not more than what the game is worth which is $30 to $40 IMHO.
  7. Haha, the thought actually crossed my mind but I'm happily married I wonder if Japanese girls desire caucasion guys the same way girls in Manila do.
  8. As for the harem I suspect it's a Japanese culture thing as I read the men in that country are becoming less assertive in finding a mate than women are. It's also affecting their low birth rate and such.
  9. Welcome to the Robo-Dome! Two robots enter, one robot leaves!!
  10. That would be weird to be type-casted into young Harrison Ford roles. Not saying that is a bad thing, just weird Maybe he can do a sequel to Regarding Henry next, lol.
  11. I wonder what kind of safety will be in place to ruin the fun?
  12. Heh, when my wife is out I'd catch up on PC gaming as I'd make her watch anime with me which is fair as I sit with her while she watches all those home improvement shows I also have to skip past that awful intro song. I'm not impressed with many of modern series intro songs in general, they can't compete with the classics such as Macross and Space Battleship Yamato.
  13. Anybody playing World of Warships? I'm playing the open beta and its addictive!
  14. I had a VHS copy of Megazone 23pt 2 dubbed version and the DVDs but all are gone. Great series and ahead of its time though. Loved the dubbed version of part 2.
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