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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. All I remember was 'lightballs.' LOL
  2. Call me a cynic but I can just see the US robot getting knocked over and flopping around like ED-209 after it fell down a flight of stairs :/
  3. That exactly. I'm a new parent have fewer funds (and time!!) for anime and entertainment too, gotta luv kids
  4. Hehe, watching non-subbed or dubbed anime on bootleg VHS takes me back to the 1980s Kids these days don't know how good they got it.
  5. Haha. As a former US Coast Guard and US Army service member I'll have to disagree with you big time there!
  6. Like I needed another reason to buy Battlefront! This gameplay looks great but I wonder if the hero vehicles are pick-ups too?
  7. I never read the comic but I'm familiar with the character, the trailer was great. Ryan Reynolds owns this role.
  8. Roy Scheider was a great actor for the role too. Man, he is timeless!
  9. When I pilot a attack copter in Battlefield 4 I sometimes hum out this music from the Bluethunder soundtrack. Especially if its on a city map
  10. I loved the movie and the TV series too though the latter only lasted several episodes however it did have Garth from Wayne's World starring in it
  11. I'm half-way through Resurrection and it's not bad but it's hard to truly enjoy after a stellar series like 2199.
  12. Finished the Wayward Pines series finale on FOX. Good show and it wouldn't surprise me if there wasn't a second season.
  13. Such a shame how some anime such as Yamato 2199 cannot be easily distributed here in the States.
  14. According to this review the film may actually be good though at a cost for detouring from the source material. I'll watch it but still would like to see a film close to the anime/manga source. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/attack-on-titan/part-i/live-action-movie/.90469
  15. Whenever it's done, 2016 it looks like. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-11-21/attack-on-titan-tv-anime-gets-2nd-season-in-2016/.81305
  16. New trailer. Attack on Titan deserves a Hollywood budget and script treatment. If it was me I'd make it into a trilogy.
  17. Well it had to happen eventually. The Last Starfighter is charmingly fun but the effects have not held up at all. I just hope they can retain the fun of the original film, it had a great story that I loved as a kid. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/37867/-last-starfighter-to-get-a-tv-vr-reboot
  18. I should of pointed out that Suicide Squad is the opposite of The Avengers in terms of heroes and villains teaming up. As for not knowing who the villains are the audience will learn who they after they see this movie, more so if its a success which I expect it will be. Also, Leto's Joker is really creepy however shouldn't we expect and older Joker with an older Batman?
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