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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. IN! Glad they are going the more serious darker route with this series. It would of been doomed if they didn't.
  2. Ugh. Hollywood should look at ALIEN: Isolation for inspiration on the next ALIEN movie. ALIEN is supposed to be rated-R horror and not PG-13 action. Nor is it supposed to be religious opinion like Prometheus.
  3. Hmmm, so far its not looking like a 'Yamato 2199' inspired reboot that I was hoping for. Oh well, just hope its good.
  4. I hope its not dead too but Disney is obviously abandoning Tron. They're only investing into properties with $$$$ in returns. Look at the directors they hired for their Star Wars movies for evidence.
  5. The modern hip-hop music in the trailer grinds my gears.
  6. I hadn't watched last Sunday's episode yet but I am liking it so far. The tension of the impending doom is something we don't see in TWD plus the pro/anti-gun contrast between the California and Georgia survivors is very cool.
  7. Unfortunately the Warspite is no longer for sale though it may come back. However tomorrow for the North American players you can buy the Tirpitz! The EU and Asian server players are already able to buy it though.
  8. I think this is since its basically the same
  9. I just re-read the six volume manga and thought this could definitely work as a trilogy however it would still need appropriate casting for the characters. Filming english only language Akira less than a R-rating and replacing Japanese actors with any other ethnicity would be a disaster.
  10. No, each tier of ship is broken down by class and model for each nation, mainly the USN and IJN so far. For example the Yamato class is a tier 10 battleship. Tier 9 is the Amagi and on down.
  11. Agreed. Way better than I expected. Had some great acting, effects, and modern elements (surveillance & drones) that apply to today. Its only faults was it lacked the rated-R ultra-violent soul of the original and appealing villains. I think a TV series would work better using today's police stories mixed with a high-tech Robocop, surveillance & drones for example. I think it can be done as long as it doesn't look campy like the original TV series or like a sci-fi Law & Order.
  12. On a Yamato 1945 side note I finally got the ship in World of Warships. Its a powerful beast!
  13. Not surprised by Frogze's review. Has a Hollywood studio even looked at making a Attack on Titan film?
  14. SCREAM is one of my favorite movies from the 1990s. Did a great job on rebooting the horror genre.
  15. Just watched the pilot and even though the first half felt forced we enjoyed it. The impending chaos should make the show interesting. It seems LA itself is the main character of the show.
  16. IGN gave it a perfect 10. They also gave ALIEN: Isolation a mediocre 5.9 (should of been a 9.5!) so I'm a little hesitant on believing their score. http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/08/24/metal-gear-solid-5-the-phantom-pain-review?utm_source=IGN%20hub%20page&utm_medium=IGN%20%28front%20page%29&utm_content=5&utm_campaign=Coverstory
  17. I seriously need to do something about my collection as I'm almost 42 and have a eleventh month old baby girl that I doubt will be interested in wanting any of it. I do hope she'll keep my guns and expensive Shun kitchen knives though I think I'll take the time to catalog my collection, post here and on Ebay and take whatever I can for it. I also thought about taking it with me to a flea market if tables are cheap and selling it off there.
  18. A slight change from dolls and models, I found and bought this t-shirt off Etsy today. https://www.etsy.com/transaction/1057854349?campaign_label=transaction_buyer_notification&utm_source=transactional&utm_campaign=transaction_buyer_notification_010170_10529880387_0_0&utm_medium=email&utm_content=&email_sent=1440445256&euid=t5Ow7o2zMOv9i2RJoRluF8uaqjnE&eaid=29676670836&x_eaid=bb3deb0f0b
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