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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. The problem with past Star Trek series is its too safe with its main characters. I think they'll have to update the series by bumping off main characters here and there.
  2. Anybody going to get Steam Link when its released next month? I'm tempted to buy it so I play some action games on my larger 65in plasma TV instead of my smaller 23in LED monitor.
  3. Haha, my 13 month old daughter is named after Luke Skywalker too but we named her Lucy as a feminine twist for the name of the hero. When my wife and I found out we were having a girl I joked that I was hoping for a son that we could name Luke Skywalker but instead it'll have to be Lucy Skywalker. My wife responded that she liked the name Lucy and so did I <3 Its too early to tell if she'll be interested in Star Wars. I can tell she loves music so I'm pretty certain I'll be taking her to Frozen 2 multiple times when its released
  4. My wife thought I was pushing it with a 65in plasma two years ago I don't know about the latest TVs but do your research as I'm reading that even some high end TV models suck for gaming.
  5. I've been saying that since last season
  6. Watching Attack on Titan High School. Its funny.
  7. This is JJ Abrams that we are talking about here. His last film, ST:ID, is the worst Star Trek film of the bunch. Yes, I'd actually place it way behind Shatner's Final Frontier. I have a bad feeling Force Awakens will be too much like ST:ID and just steal borrow too greatly from the original series.
  8. Every season has a character that is the group's moral compass. First it was Dale, then Hershel, Gabriel (sort of), and now its Morgan. http://cheezburger.com/8575907328/the-moral-conscience-makes-the-best-walker-food
  9. In some way I can't wait for 2016 so this BttF nonsense can end. However we still have Blade Runner's 2019 to look forward too
  10. I think a reboot could of worked but it would have to be a homage to the original film. My idea would be teen going back to 1985 from 2015 with the total zaniness of the 1980s that even back then expected a far out future than we currently have.
  11. Good first episode. We also enjoyed Fear The Walking Dead too. The contrast between east & west coast makes each very interesting. Travis who is your typical anti-gun liberal looks like he will be the most dynamic as he learns what must be done to protect his family.
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