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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Once you get an SSD you'll never go back. If you're worried about longevity then make sure you get a SSD with good reviews from an established brand. The greatest difference I noticed with SSD is load times. I noticed Crysis went from a minute load time to just seconds. I do suggest a 500Gb or larger size as newer games are taking up more and more space.
  2. Child actors do get hurt but not all of them. Just read Ron Howard's interview in Playboy this month, amazing how far he has come from child acting.
  3. Amazing how she dropped out of acting after such a successful film. I doubt Hollywood would of allowed that to happen so easily today.
  4. Heh, must be something about our generation as my parents let me see R-rated films before I was nine too. I was almost thirteen when I saw ALIENS. Damn I'm old, lol!
  5. THIS! I don't expect much from the ID4 sequel but I just know it'll be fun, worth my money, and won't get me into a nerd rage.
  6. The trailer was very meh, probably rushed it because of Star Wars next week. I'm hoping we'll see a better trailer soon. Still, the two comic book movies that have my full attention for 2016 is Dead Pool and Suicide Squad.
  7. Are you referring to the second compendium? If so, I agree! I can't wait for the next season too which I suspect will be the last.
  8. I thought Watchmen was a well made movie but Snyder was the wrong choice as director however the style he used in Man of Steel would of worked for Watchmen. Its like he is a constantly evolving director and/or some Hollywood execs are making these bad decisions. From what I read about this film it appears to be the latter.
  9. I think he is a good director and just needs the right material to direct that will match his style. 300 and Man of Steel are favorites of mine.
  10. Heh, just realized that I don't have any complaints in regards to Affleck's Batman in the trailer which is probably the tallest hurdle this film faces IMHO.
  11. Hmmm, Lex is a little too flamboyant. Ugh... The more I see of this film the less I want to see it. That is not how trailers are supposed to work!
  12. I suspect this film won't be up to snuff however Suicide Squad will save WB from a total disaster. Suicide Squad looks like a far more interesting film. DC's villain potential is something Disney's Marvel films are severely lacking.
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