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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. I saw David Bowie perform live only once, great show and a real gentleman on the stage.
  2. I'm hoping there will be an interesting non-human or two. I do expect Darth Vader to show up in this film, that will be its main hook!
  3. At work today and was reminded why Bill Lumbergh of Office Space is the best villain since Darth Vader. What makes him so great is we've all probably known at least one guy like this during our careers.
  4. I know this is heavy sci-fi but between the Starkiller base and finding a lightsaber at the bottom of Cloud City this film's disturbing lack of logic pushed my suspension of disbelief to the point of annoyance. In regards to the Luke's lightsaber it really shouldn't matter. As we learned in AOTC a Jedi can go through several lightsabers during their lifetime.
  5. I've read they are working on KOTOR HD remake. That'll hold me over till a new KOTOR game is released and hopefully we'll see that but it seems like Disney or EA care as much about Star Wars games as LucasArts did.
  6. It seems the next several films are all tied to the original trilogy or around ANH. I'm hoping Disney will get creative and look at KOTOR for inspiration on more original Star Wars films.
  7. I don't think this has been brought up in the thread but a beef I have with the film was the way it ended. All the previous films and even most of Clone Wars and Rebels end in a celebration or a somber 'look off into the sunset' shot where as this film just closed on two people looking at each other. Very anti-Star Wars cinematography IMHO.
  8. I'm just here to agree with you. Williams phoned this one in.
  9. Finally saw it today and my nerd rage grows the more I think about the film. I won't dwell on its mysteries as that is typical JJ Abrams crap that he likes to inject into his work, see LOST. Thankfully he won't direct anymore SW films, he is the Starbucks of cinema. The only good thing about it was the young cast, stellar, however the story and soundtrack was the worst of the series. Even the lightsaber duel was weak, Rebels and Clone Wars had way better melee action than TFA's. Below is how I ranked the films so now if you will excuse me I need to watch ROTS to get the taste of TFA out of my mouth! 1. ESB 2. ANH 3. ROTS 4. ROTJ 5. TFA 6. AOTC 7. TPM
  10. Puhleez, that is like saying Kill Bill looked like a cheap kung-fu/samurai film when it wasn't. QT's sci-fi film would be violent but glorious too!
  11. They should of made a remake right after it was released, I thought it was that bad and deserved a do-over. Really they should just concentrate on 2199 season 2.
  12. If I was QT I'd make a epic sci-fi action film to compete with Star Wars, no doubt he could pull off something amazing. Furthermore I'm surprised he hasn't delved into that genre yet.
  13. Nice to know he isn't retired The plot and trailer reminds me of Attack on Titan but looks great still. Will be watching this!
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