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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Heh, Frozen is great for calming down my little 18 month old baby girl's moods. She loves the CGI characters and singing more than other movies she has seen so far. Other than that it looks like Disney has made a huge comeback while Dreamworks is falling behind.
  2. For a new soundtrack I'd vote for Joseph Trapanese. He did the soundtrack for Oblivion and Tron: Legacy.
  3. Yeah, that was the original version but I think we'll have to go with 'final' director's cut since Ridley Scott is behind this. Remember this line... https://youtu.be/5lPsmFSNWc4?t=1m53s Also, if you're a huge BR fan like I am then read this book! http://www.amazon.com/Future-Noir-Making-Blade-Runner/dp/0061053147/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1456189801&sr=8-8&keywords=blade+runner+books
  4. They finally found Jesus. I would of suspected the actor portraying the character would of been older.
  5. Funny enough the sequel is being released one year before BR took place. Well, its 2016 and we have no flying spinners cars or Pan-Am but at least traffic ain't too bad
  6. Funny enough for us old farts but this year will be the thirtieth anniversary release of ALIENS
  7. Can't we just get a good AVP? You know, where it doesn't take place on Earth and has Colonial Marines with pulse rifles.
  8. Yeah, that is more likely but would like a choice that is less obvious.
  9. The film needs a big actor like Arnold, thats what made the first Predator so awesome. I can't think of one though... maybe Ben Affleck?!?
  10. Great episode but they're jumping right into the next compendium rather quickly. But hey, best show on TV right now IMHO.
  11. Dredd 2 would be nice.
  12. I was in Manila in 2011 for two weeks to train an operations center there for my company, some of the guys loved anime and Robotech. Had a good time there.
  13. New trailer is pure wow. I enjoy the series, just wish they changed the animation style.
  14. I enjoyed Cloverfield but this trailer is typical JJ Abrams 'less is more' shenanigans. I remember people speculating the original Cloverfield trailer had something to do with Voltron.
  15. By Grabthar's Hammer, Alan Rickman shall be avenged! https://youtu.be/r7bo_A6XnUU?t=1m52s
  16. I just saw. We lost the Goblin King and now Snape. Both from cancer at age 69.
  17. I have a toddler and danced with her while playing this David Bowie song from Labyrinth. Dance magic, dance!
  18. I saw David Bowie perform live only once, great show and a real gentleman on the stage.
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