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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Star Wars: Mockingjay Disney is obviously pushing a strong female as the main character to broaden the audience and make more money but this is getting to the point of pandering.
  2. Arrivederci! https://youtu.be/krtnt191Drg?t=1m55s
  3. That episode of Rebels felt more like Star Wars than The Force Awakens did. Brilliant!
  4. Starman remake... Starman is one of my favorite films and John Carpenter's best as its so unlike his other action/violent work. Great soundtrack too. I think a remake could work but I'd do it as a television series instead. There was an actual television series that followed the film and though it was popular with its fans but didn't last long on the air. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/starman-remake-works-director-shawn-879805
  5. IIRC Voyager tried to bring Star Blazers back with Yamato 2199 repackaged as Star Blazers. They stopped after a few volumes and then they went dark. Total clown show that makes Harmony Gold look like professionals in comparison.
  6. What made Death Wish interesting was it took place in NYC when crime was rampant. Pre-Bernie Goetz, that was the real Death Wish. I'd like to see Hollywood make a film about him instead. Feel the Bern. Goetz 2016.
  7. Looks like they updated the title to Warcraft: The Beginning. This movie could really good, the trailers makes it feel like it has heart which is typically lacking in Summer blockbuster films. The scenes of Durotan and his young son, Thrall, connects for me as as I'm a father with a young one too. That look he has of doing everything you can to ensure the future of your offspring...
  8. Those remind me of Napoleon Dynamite's moon boots, lol.
  9. Love the second trailer. WB has found their own PIXAR with LEGO and they are owning it.
  10. I loved the LEGO movie, loved it! Can't wait for this!
  11. Daisy Ridley is an amazing actress but casting her as Lara seems too easy, I'd like to see a fresh face in that role.
  12. Eeek on the reviews. Sounds like its the movie we expected after seeing the first couple of trailers. Guess I'll save money by waiting for this to come to Netflix.
  13. There was a brief boom in American animation with Tron: Uprising and the Thundercats reboot. Sadly, both are gone
  14. Ha, my wife does and it drives me up the wall. I think she just hates surprises.
  15. I think I'll go straight to the wiki for the spoiler
  16. I expect the mechanical book for the second season to be bad-ass!
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