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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. It looks like it belongs on SyFy... from 15years ago. Yikes.
  2. Watched OPPENHEIMER on Prime. Huge ensemble cast, yuge! Very fast paced for a drama film but Nolan had to keep it interesting of course.
  3. Bad sign, just like Coming2America. Also, my subscription to Prime will be cancelled by then too.
  4. Yeah, gets old af. Same goes with all the f'ing spy flicks on Netflix.
  5. I was joking about the multiverse as it has two of the main stars from Forrest Gump and the same director, lol.
  6. If you have MAX there is a 3 1/2 hr long WATCHMEN ultimate edition that includes the animated Tales of the Black Freighter scenes however it's hidden as an extra with the original film. Worth a watch(men).
  7. Re-watching Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) on PRIME. Still a classic and one of the best remakes ever. Also, it was peak curly haired Sutherland too!
  8. We saw Inside Out 2 yesterday. Good film, nice companion to the first so its recommended.
  9. Pretty sure its for our new robot overlords.
  10. Didn't think how multi-generational Donald Sutherland was. I remember Donald best from his older 1960s to 1970s films while my younger wife remembers him mostly from The Hunger Games.
  11. Oh look, a reason to restart my subscription to Disney+. Finally! I'll have to re-watch the first season too. I think I read a rumor that the series could spin-off into a Mon Mothma focused post Rogue One series which I think could be great too.
  12. How many teasers do we get before the trailer? lol That being said we'll check it out of course. Do recommend watching GOTHAM if you hadn't seen it yet. Robin Lord Taylor's Penguin is my most favorite yet!
  13. More details below too. I'm just hoping it's funny as I can't recall watching a comedy in the theater that had me laughing tbh. Spaceballs Sequel in the Works With Josh Gad Starring, Mel Brooks Producing https://www.ign.com/articles/spaceballs-sequel-in-the-works-with-josh-gad-starring-mel-brooks-producing
  14. Observation: I still don't have Disney+ but I have never seen a thread on a series this heavily analyzed here on this forum before. Question: Is that good or bad? lol
  15. Looks like ALIEN: Isolation but will buy if it has good reviews.
  16. Yeah, that was Jennifer Grey level of plastic surgery ☹️ Unless you're disfigured I don't understand why people do that. My wife has always been beautiful but she hated her nose and got surgery to reduce it's size. Still don't understand why but oh well.
  17. Season 5 will be last but wouldn't surprised if we see another spin-off. GenV was pretty good. Good to know however Disney+ has been setting a low bar, that keeps getting lower.
  18. Looks good. Check out the WATCHMEN series on MAX if you hadn't seen it yet too.
  19. Yeah, interesting series that we liked but would be surprised if SUGAR gets a second season.
  20. It'd be nice if Star Wars animated series looked this good!!
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