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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. This scene reminds me how far the series gone. Especially Carole...
  2. Anybody remember the short lived TV series? It starred Michale Biehn and Ron Perlman. Speaking of Biehn, Tombstone is in my top five list of favorite Westerns.
  3. I never played WoW however I did play the heck out of the RTS, especially WC3. Played so much that it annoyed my first wife I wonder if those that played WoW got as much from the story of Warcraft than those that played the RTS.
  4. I remember how hot she was in 40 Year Old Virgin and her underwear...
  5. Finally caught up with the season finale. Hopefully they don't wuss out and stick with comic's storyline.
  6. I liked Avatar, even with unnecessary white guilt. Expect some VR to be involved with the sequels.
  7. My wife got motion sickness from the 30 second TV trailer. I'd watch it in the theater if I had the spare time from parenting.
  8. So does anybody have any idea why Godzilla looks all F'd up? He almost looks like a zombie version of Godzilla... Godzombie?
  9. The SFX mixed with real vehicles for the military shots looks good. Japan has a higher tech military than I thought.
  10. Just watched it on Amazon. A lot happens in the first episode and I look forward to more.
  11. This could be the best Batman movie ever. Next to the LEGO Batman movie of course
  12. Real friggin' shame about River Phoenix and I remember when he died too. If it wasn't for his stupid death with a drug OD he could of been what Leonardo Dicaprio or Brad Pitt is today. River also could of been the young Indy we're looking for too. Kids, don't do drugs.
  13. When my daughter was about a year old I found this Star Wars sound book on sale at a Home Goods. She loved playing the sounds and even mimicked Jabba's laugh, lol. In the end it got annoying as she constantly had me and my wife read the book to her so we put it away and cycled in new sound books but they never kept her attention like the Star Wars book did. http://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Sound-Storybook-Treasury/dp/1503700291/ref=pd_sim_sbs_14_1?ie=UTF8&dpID=61JaRh9gYGL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR137%2C160_&refRID=0YTAP187P9N1AQ9RTEHX
  14. The crappy film when you talk trilogies or sequels always comes up in that conversation. 'Yeah, loved Godfather parts 1 and 2 but part 3 sucked.' A sequel may work for EoT but I think its unnecessary as the film ended with the war basically over.
  15. The audience cares. Though it's Star Wars we still want it to feel original. Injecting a Katniss Everdeen makes it feel like pandering to a female audience or worse, desperation. Mind you this is noticeable and not just by us here in MWF. Perhaps a new trailer with some more of Forest Whitaker's character will lessen the Hunger Games comparison. Till then... May the Force be ever in your favor!
  16. The movie was good on its own, far better than I expected. A sequel, especially if done poorly, could diminish the original film.
  17. It's Disney's game to draw in a larger female audience for a genre that typically appeals to ten year old boys. It may work but their plan is rather too obvious at this point. Maybe they'll mix it up by casting a strong female lead character with a Texan accent next time
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