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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. While not a spoiler we are seeing characters finally converging north and south. I suppose most will eventually meet in the middle, probably at King's Landing as the series winds down. How many more seasons can we expect, two?
  2. This is what they should have done for the Warcraft movie.
  3. I think Blizzard could of helped with promotion of the film by releasing a new Warcraft RTS game, it's been over ten years since the last one. Or at least re-released update versions of the original games.
  4. Good show, more bathroom humor than I expected so I bet young boys will love this.
  5. I have a friend that owns and loves his HTC Vive and would probably be all over this!!
  6. It was very fast paced but I didn't get bored once throughout the movie. Yes the film has flaws but the Orc SFX was amazing, very real and natural looking characters.
  7. I'd like to see a sequel and apparently it was a hit overseas, especially in China. Just needs more focus as the director had to deal with unfortunate circumstances with his family, namely cancer
  8. Just saw the film. The orc scenes were done very well and the film reminds me of Pacific Rim in a odd way. Film should of been made in full CGI though.
  9. Judd Apatow is losing his mind and perhaps money over this movie. Seriously, if the film has poor reviews then I hope it fails so hard that Hollywood learns another lesson on how not to reboot/remake classic films. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2016/jun/03/judd-apatow-ghostbusters-reboot-donald-trump
  10. I was hoping for more from Ian McShane. Oh well, this episode did leave me... hanging
  11. I suspect the low ratings means this film is meant more for kids than the adults again. Nickelodeon does own TMNT after all.
  12. IGN gave the film a decent review (7/10) so I feel better about going to see it. http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/05/31/warcraft-review
  13. I wonder if the acting was bad? Besides Forest Whitaker the actors did seem kind of wooden in the teaser, though it was just a teaser. However, Gareth got the look of Godzilla right but the film was a waste of Hollywood talent.
  14. It'll attract the folk that watched Glee. I suspect this and perhaps Lethal Weapon will succeed.
  15. I blame the JJ Abrams hype for the inflated rating. Seriously, JJ is the Starbucks of cinema. The movie is so insulting and painful to watch that I hadn't seen it since its original release.
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