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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Loved the original, no idea how this film could be. Either epic win or epic meh. On a side note my mom was born and raised in Glasgow I have yet to visit my mother's homeland though
  2. Looks intense! Sign me up!
  3. Saw it the first time with the Extended Version on Vudu and for a film that was hastily made with a poor script it was well done. However It didn't win over my wife who loved the Nolan films. Real shame how WB screwed this up. Nolan/Bale's Batman complimented a Man of Steel match up better than this.
  4. I may have to check this show out! I remember having such a crush on Winona Ryder, such a 1990s girl.
  5. I don't play Pokemon but I almost drove over two schmucks wandering aimlessly in a shopping center's parking lot looking for them on their smartphones.
  6. Godzilla vs National Diet? I have no idea what is going on here. Besides the cool display of Japan's military this has fail written all over it. Ugh.
  7. Today is the thirtieth anniversary of ALIENS released on film!
  8. I finished Arkham Knight last month and Mark Hamill was great as always as the The Joker in the game. Great game and highly recommended to any Batman fan.
  9. I tried watching it and stopped half-way through. Its best forgotten IMHO.
  10. The Penny Robinson actresses grew up to be so damn hot.
  11. I still hadn't seen this movie yet. Do you recommend the original or the ultimate edition for a first viewing? I found some extended cuts for certain films are worse than the original. Apocalypse Now and Return of the King for example IMHO.
  12. Pretty much this If you look at the TRON movies and the animated series they are darker, though better IMHO, than the last Star Wars film and animated series which is outside Disney's comfort zone for generating money.
  13. Finally saw it on blu-ray via a Redbox rental last night. I'm hoping we see more rated-R comic adaptions soon!
  14. With roots back to the Clone Wars series this movie should be awesome though I wonder if the general audience will as enthused as they were for TFA.
  15. Is Westworld a mini-series? Don't know how much they drag out of an amusement park that malfunctions.
  16. A shout out to Robotech on starwars.com. http://www.starwars.com/news/the-cinema-behind-star-wars-robotech
  17. I have to admit the dragon SFX is amazing for a TV series. Very life like, scary and more real looking than Smaug in The Hobbit films.
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