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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Whats funny is the Charlton Heston film is actually a remake of a 1925 silent film. But yeah, most remakes following Charlton Heston suck. See Planet of the Apes and I Am Legend. I'm surprised we hadn't seen a Soylent Green remake yet though.
  2. A Godzilla anime? This is one of those 'why hadn't they done that yet' ideas! http://godzilla-anime.com/index.html
  3. Anybody getting Deus Ex: Mankind Divided? It's getting great reviews. I'm tempted to pre-order but probably won't get around to playing it sometime next month.
  4. Heh, we had 1950s Superman on syndicated TV right before the Christopher Reeves films.
  5. This could be really awesome or just get old quick. That being said, even though Adam West's Batman is campy cheese it was all we had till Tim Burton's Batman was released.
  6. The problem with Contact was that while it was well made it missed the message of the book entirely. The book is very boring, just have to warn you on that if you never read it.
  7. Agreed on Viola Davis, her character had no special powers or special combat skills but was still the most powerful character in the movie. That is how they should have portrayed Lex Luthor in Batman v Superman. What is annoying is the criticizing we have to give for these films and it's just not a good sign for WB that I don't think they'll ever recover from.
  8. Looks well made but feels it borrowed from other sci-fi films the same way District 9 did. Edit: Not the first time Amy Adams communicates with an alien
  9. It's He-Man so I'm expecting a fun film and I think McG can deliver on it.
  10. Saw Suicide Squad for date night with the wife. It was well made for a Mtv inspired super-villain film, queue the pop music! Seriously, you'd think was it directed by McG. That being said, WB's plan must be to take their DC films backwards as this reminds me of their Joel Schumacher era of Batman films.
  11. Kinda annoyed by the whole human character team, where are the aliens? The Rebellion would do better if they recruited outside the human race
  12. Agreed. When you force characters like this it shows they are trying too hard and is a real turn off.
  13. NMS reminds me of Starflight. Points if you played this MS-DOS game back in the 1980s.
  14. Steam has a sale on Batman games. I bought Arkham Asylum and installed it today for $4.99 as I lost my original disk. Still looks good and plays well too. A real classic.
  15. Well, there goes my planned date night. The reviews are making me go rage face fuuuuuuuu!! Whoever is managing this at WB needs to be fired. On a side note 2016 sucks for movies overall.
  16. Jennifer Connelly was so hot in the original, this was before she got the boob reduction. Sigh...
  17. RIP to Jerry Doyle who played Michael Garibaldi. I enjoyed listening to his radio show last decade too. http://www.thewrap.com/jerry-doyle-dead-babylon-5-actor-epictimes-founder-died-60/
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