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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. I work for an ISP and for science-fiction's sake it seems plausible. Especially if you had to deal with CEF going wrong like I have, ugh.
  2. According to Wiki, no however Hollywood is out of ideas so expect more dumpster fires. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminator_Genisys#Planned_sequels_and_spin-off_television_series
  3. Pffft, our United States military still uses floppy disks. http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/26/us/pentagon-floppy-disks-nuclear/
  4. I've had mine for the PC since they were released. Its now all yellow from the oxidation.
  5. JK Simmons couldn't even save Terminator: Genisys.
  6. Some Yamato appreciation in World of Warships.
  7. It wasn't that bad, wasn't that great either. It was good but lacked originality.
  8. T3 was far better than the last two films. Also had one of the best film endings ever IMHO. Nick Stahl was the best John Connor too, yes he was better than Christian Bale. Shame about Nick's drug use as he's a very talented actor.
  9. Genisys is on Amazon and decided to watch it on my day off yesterday, I regretted it. Just when you thought Salvation was bad Genisys is worse. It was like a Disney/Marvel movie and a total departure from the first two. Pretty sad the TV series was actually far better than the recent films.
  10. Though Joe has been around I hadn't seen him in anything beyond the new Pee-Wee Herman movie. Could be good but I'm not expecting a Joker-like performance.
  11. I also plan on playing the new Deus Ex eventually. I just want to see more patches and more performance increases before I do.
  12. Still playing World of Warships. Wargaming does a good job of updating that game almost monthly with new ships and features. I also just installed a nVidia 1060 GTX last night to replace my AMD 280X. I bought it to play Rise of The Tomb Raider and Arkham Knight at highest settings at 1080p. My 280X was struggling with that because of its lower VRAM.
  13. Yeah, I like it as it keeps my interest too. Kids movies seem to be more original than a lot of the stuff out for the older folk.
  14. I rented Zootopia on blu-ray last weekend and while my wife and I really enjoyed the film our almost two year old little girl didn't give it any attention to it all She prefers kids movies with kids (Peanuts) and/or singing and dancing (Frozen).
  15. I had this idea before the Star Trek reboot that Paramount should have made a Klingon focused action film in the Star Trek universe using Vin Diesel and The Rock, this was before they starred in the F&F movies together. The premise was their characters would be two Klingon brothers out for revenge on a corrupt Federation officer and bring honor back to their House. It would also expand on the 'dish best served cold' proverb too.
  16. If you want to view paradise Simply look around and view it Anything you want to, do it Want to change the world? There's nothing to it
  17. Affleck is a very real world director and his Batman film will be his first outside of that. Should be really interesting. Could it be the best Batman film. Who knows but color me intrigued.
  18. I suspect it ended up being that Playstation game that came out a few years after the announcement.
  19. No surprise on the bad reviews. Have we seen any really good CGI films from Japan yet?
  20. New trailer! Could be really good as it's hitting all the right nostalgia points
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