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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. In their defense the first film is really old and while the acting and story is timeless the budget effects, 1980s hair style and soundtrack is not. Probably a difficult film to appreciate if you didn't grow up with it like we did.
  2. He made ROBOCOP awesome. He was also a sleazeball in Deep Star Six too.
  3. You obviously don't share Thrawn's appreciation of art
  4. I read in article in a recent Playboy, yes Playboy, where gun manufacturers do pay for their products to be shown in films. A good example is Beretta paid for Ben Foster to use a M9 Beretta in his final scene in Lone Survivor instead of a Sig which is officially issued to the Navy Seals.
  5. Yeah, that ACOG is really killing me. Couldn't they just use some cheap optic and dress it up? I wonder if they'll use sound effects?
  6. So... is the blonde guy Kodai is talking to in the trailer his...
  7. Unless the showing is a early matinee we reserve tickets. Sometimes weeks in advance for weekend seats at a Alamo Drafthouse.
  8. I'd say one thing that was lacking for this movie and TFA was their soundtracks. They're good but not good enough for me to buy their albums.
  9. Carrier's mother, Debbie Reynolds, has passed on. http://www.tmz.com/2016/12/28/debbie-reynolds-dead/
  10. This movie could be really good or really unnecessary.
  11. My wife got me this book for Christmas https://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Rogue-Ultimate-Visual/dp/146545263X/ref=sr_1_fkmr1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1482872292&sr=1-1-fkmr1&keywords=star+wars+rogue+one+technical+manual
  12. I'm getting a weird AVP: Requiem vibe from this trailer, probably because of the extra bloody gore. Even though ALIEN and ALIENS had some gore that isn't what they made those films awesome. I'm reading about the new directions they are going with the xenomorphs in this new movie. Seems like they are digging into the original ALIEN script plus HR Giger's concept art for inspiration. That just tells me they are out of ideas. I'll only see this film if it has really good reviews.
  13. My first onscreen crush. Sadly expected this after reading she couldn't breathe for over 10 minutes before her flight landed.
  14. Oh wow, looks bigger and better than I expected. The team behind this series are masters of the reboot!
  15. Margot Robbie was the best thing about Suicide Squad so sign me up. WB/DC should learn from Deadpool and make some of their movies rated R.
  16. Exactly. That is why they cast Jeffrey Dean Morgan. I expect his character to be a around for a while.
  17. My expectations are unusually high and I'm just gonna go full bullish and say it, this will be the best Star Wars movie since ESB. I'm saying this based on the trailers, this looks like a very well made movie.
  18. My wife and I are losing interest in this show and I think it mainly has to do with the romance between Rick and Michonne, it seems contrived and lacks any chemistry between the actors.
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