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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Not surprised. What a waste. https://www.engadget.com/the-live-action-halo-show-has-been-canceled-at-paramount-230612472.html
  2. I wonder if we should have a long term 'Memorium' thread?
  3. Probably won't show female nudity then, lol.
  4. They say Celebrities dies in 3s.
  5. Won't be long till we see a real X rated scene in this series, lol. That being said, its still good but has to be the most cynical series ever made.
  6. I'll still go see it. ALIEN can be salvaged, perfect example is the Isolation game which Romulus seems to draw inspiration from imho.
  7. Dr. Ruth died today too. Another icon from their days way back when.
  8. On a side note tomorrow is Harrison Ford's 82nd birthday 🎂 Amazing he is going so strong!!
  9. ROMULUS could be the best ALIEN film since ALIENS however all those other films as well made as they were did set a low bar.
  10. Such memorable roles. Growing up it was Popeye and Time Bandits for me. RIP
  11. Yeah, no effort to make it look hand drawn at least. That being said... I'd watch an episode of this! LOL
  12. APPLE+ is desperate for that GenX money. That being said I'm old enough to remember seeing TIME BANDITS in the theater and loved it but I get zero nostalgia vibes from that series trailer. Also, Family Guy did it better. lol One last thing. It's a shame APPLE+ didn't cast any little people for the new series. Kinda insulting tbh as I'm sure there is very talented little people in Hollywood that need the work.
  13. Apparently it ends with a sudden cliff hanger and nothing resolved. Ugh. F Prime! When compared to their competition Prime's streaming library is small so I'm definitely not renewing my subscription this year.
  14. Ugh. We're almost done with the second season of Outer Range on PRIME and its outstanding but just found the series is cancelled 🤬 WTF! https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/amazon-just-canceled-prime-video-114500123.html
  15. Wife and I saw A Quiet Place: Day One last night, Good thrilling film and the cat was the main star, lol. That being said I noticed:
  16. https://www.instagram.com/the.yamato.boy
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