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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. In anticipation of the movie I reloaded ALIEN: Isolation. It'll be my third time playing and it's still a great game, one of my top favorites for single player.
  2. People do stupid stuff all the time. Why someone feels the need to climb a dangerous mountain for sport is just as bizarre to me.
  3. Lots of spoilers being let loose on the new film today. Kinda hard to avoid it all, ugh. Still, the film looks bigger than I expected and I hope it won't ruin the film's horror component which ALIEN is supposed to be first; action, adventure, etc should be secondary.
  4. LOL, no. The old Battlefront games, especially the second game, played too much like Quake and I mean the first Quake.
  5. I hope the next series will include a new style of animation. The current CGI is getting tired.
  6. The Battlefront II trailer was sweet but so was the first Battlefront I trailers too If EA wants me to buy the game then Battlefront needs to be more like Battlefield and I don't understand why they don't do that.
  7. I think the biggest problem with this new trilogy is the lack of a compelling villain. For such a large franchise Kylo Ren has to be one of the weakest villains in recent cinema history IMHO.
  8. While my two and a half year old little girl was playing with her Batman it made me realize we'll definitely see another Batman reboot, maybe more in my lifetime. Not certain how I should feel about seeing a new Batman every five or so years.
  9. The trailer did seem to borrow from Guardians of The Galaxy which I'm OK with because I'm sold on this film.
  10. IMHO the Thor films were the weakest of the MCU but it looks like this one could make up for the previous two films, bigly!
  11. Yeah, Mr. Potato Head was the first that popped in my mind when I heard Don Rickles died. Heckuva career he had, funny too. RIP.
  12. Don't know about Franco but I have a good feeling that Danny McBride will make this film better than we expect. I think the issue that fans have with Covenant is that it feels and looks too much like Prometheus which was a grand disappointment.
  13. Just watched X-Men: Apocalypse over the weekend on HBO. I never want to see that film again, it's the worst X-Men film IMHO. Yes, I thought it was worse than United and Origins. Bryan Singer seems only capable of making good movies or dumpster fires.
  14. Looks decent enough. Odd that we don't see more of James Franco unless his character dies very early?
  15. Interesting that this film doesn't scare me. Probably because I don't have coulrophobia
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