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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Unusual choices sometime make for the best choice.
  2. Mommar brought up time travel and Star Trek has gotten to the point of using and abusing time travel so much that the franchise might as well be called 'Time Trek.' For Star Trek to work it needs a Disney/Marvel like treatment to keep it cohesive.
  3. Brought my 18in ALIEN doll to work today for 'show n'tell' to my fellow nerd coworkers. Would it be weird if I brought the doll with me to the new movie?
  4. The Orville trailer seemed more interesting and more Star Trek like than Discovery, and its a sci-fi spoof!
  5. Was it scary? Alien3 was the last film to have any real frights IMHO. I'll go see it this weekend. Probably alone as my wife has no interest, lol.
  6. It does look like they are goofing around but it appears there will be more than one Predator in the film too.
  7. Haha, the lore went to crap in Resurrection and somehow went further down with the AVP films. Honestly I think some of the fault lies with Ridley Scott and James Cameron. ALIEN and ALIENS set the bar so high that any sequel will look weak in comparison. However that is not an excuse for Hollywood not to try and make better ALIEN films. I'm 100% certain you can find a young director with a smaller budget that can make a good scary ALIEN film. ALIEN: Isolation is a good example of what can be done right with the ALIEN franchise.
  8. Annoying how countries outside the States get to see films weeks before us. I know it has to do with piracy prevention and marketing but its still annoying.
  9. He was up there with Bill Paxton when it came to adding a Southern character to a film. I'm surprised he was 68, I thought he was older so I wonder if he had something going on affecting his health.
  10. I'm going to wait till all the episodes are out. If there is no official subtitles by then I'll watch the fansubs. Their loss and by loss I mean money.
  11. Just hit me that with ALIEN: Covenant and Blade Runner 2049 it seems 2017 is the year of Ridley Scott. Interesting times we live in.
  12. Ridley is a great director and though his work is not consistent, I place some of the blame on poor writing. Especially with Prometheus, that was all Lindelof's fault. My favorite Ridley Scott film? GLADIATOR
  13. Official trailer. Don't know what to think other than it looks pretty. This will also be the first film I've seen with Ryan Gosling, lol.
  14. Frankly I was expecting the reviews to be worse but I'm more interested in a fan's review than a professional critic's. At this point I'm still going to see it. My expectations won't be high and after thinking about it the biggest problem the ALIEN franchise ever had was the high bar set by the first two films.
  15. Early reviews look good and after the latest trailers I'm officially on board for seeing it. http://www.express.co.uk/entertainment/films/800654/Alien-Covenant-reviews-premiere-fan-reactions-Ridley-Scott
  16. I prefer the term "Artificial Person" myself.
  17. I never read the book as well. There has been so much hype to the book I guess I expected something bigger.
  18. Oh wow, looks like we can get a B&W version on Blu-ray and see a limited release this month too! http://www.avclub.com/article/black-and-white-version-logan-coming-alamo-draftho-254632
  19. Wow. I wonder if they ever entertained the idea of releasing it in B&W as an original format? It definitely would have earned awards but probably at the cost of ticket sales.
  20. Said it was hand burned. I almost bought till I saw the $20 shipping. I know its coming from overseas but I don't have the $$ to burn like that.
  21. Neat little find on Etsy. I'm tempted to buy one. https://www.etsy.com/listing/270319786/space-battleship-yamato-inspired-wood?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=battleship yamato&ref=sr_gallery_3
  22. Prometheus is a pretty film, worth a watch at least once. Covenant seems to be a bigger film than we expect. I could be wrong but it really does look like Ridley Scott is working hard to make up for Prometheus.
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