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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. When I was younger I loved the idea of a Blade Runner type city, something busy and high tech. But now as a parent I'm glad it's not like that, I love having space and trees I appreciate this more after visiting Hong Kong last month, ugh, in the below photo I took the only thing missing was holograms and flying cars (spinners). The food was very good though!
  2. I hadn't seen the recent episodes but your spoiler confirms what I hoped where the new Star Trek would go.
  3. Yes, it's loud but I like it. Really draws you into the film.
  4. There is room for a sequel and I read Ridley Scott wanted more BR films but 2049 isn't doing well with box office results. I doubt we'll see another BR film again. Perhaps, I hope, we'll see a film that is a more faithful adaptation of the book.
  5. Just saw it. Long movie that is well made with lots of depth and there were a couple of scenes/shots that I thought were unnecessary. Leaving the theater I started to feel weird about seeing a sequel to a movie that I first saw when I was about ten years old in 1982. It made me think Blade Runner isn't as relevant as it once was and made me want to see a movie closer to the original book and also a DEUS EX movie based on the recent games. Last, I thought the old Westwood PC game was a worthy sequel in itself.
  6. Watched the trailer for the first time on the big screen during the previews before Blade Runner 2049 today. Looks better than the first film.
  7. Can we discuss non-anime animation in this thread? Just watched the season 3 final of Rick & Morty. While not the best episode of the season it was still a great season overall. Can't wait for season 4. Oooo wheee! On a side note, I'd love to see a Rick & Morty movie.
  8. Got my ticket for a noon showing this Friday. It's a long movie and I hope I get to work on time because my shift starts at 3pm, lol.
  9. TMP is a great film, blew my mind on so many levels when I saw it in the theater as a young boy. For Star Trek to be great again the producers should make revisit the discovery aspect of the series, pun intended. I'm tired of the revenge storylines, that got tired after First Contact, which is still a great film btw. Give me something I've never seen before in a Star Trek film!
  10. Doesn't seem like a good outcome will happen. Great musician that will be missed.
  11. Watched the first episode and agree it's too SJW. The Klingons were the only characters producing testosterone.
  12. Whoa, the reviews are increasing my expectations!!
  13. I was a subscriber for over ten years till the magazine went full hipster and ended nudity. Those issues were unbearable to read. Even though Playboy brought back nudity it was too late for me. On a side note my ex-wife posed for Playboy back in 2001 for their college coverage.
  14. Llooks cool and more like the new rebooted game series which I really enjoyed playing.
  15. I hadn't heard anything interesting from Giacchino since LOST. Probably not his fault as the studios probably aren't allowing him to create any music that is too original out of fear it doesn't fit the Star Wars theme. That being said, I hadn't bought any Star Wars soundtracks since ROTS.
  16. Oddly the actors in ALIEN are dying at the same frequency as their characters in the film so far. First, John Hurt and now Harry Dean Stanton. Tom Skerritt next?
  17. I'm going to HK only, not PRC. I work for a HK based ISP so that I was I'm going there for certification training, ugh. I say ugh because it looks like I may not have any real downtime to check out the city while I'm there. I will eat well on the company's dime, that's for sure!!
  18. Last time my company sent me on a business trip was in 2011 and my IT department loaned me a old laptop with a Celeron processor. It was actually heavier than my Predator 15 and was so weak it could barely run Firefox, not an exaggeration. I didn't want to deal with that crap again. The Predator 15 has weight but it cools really well. I think that's the trade-off when it comes to weight vs heat in buying a gaming laptop.
  19. My company is sending me to Hong Kong this month and I didn't want to deal with a crappy company laptop that they would loan me so I bought a Acer Predator 15. It's slightly heavy but it has amazing specs, mainly the 1060 GTX w/G-Sync.
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