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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. We finished watching all the episodes last night. Enjoyed it just like last season. Though I have no idea where it will go next season as they wrapped this one up very tightly.
  2. That's your typical 1980s parenting stereotypes Reminds me of the dad in Wargames, down to the glasses.
  3. Don't get me started on Elon Musk and his self-indulgent ventures. He wants people on Mars and unicorn steaks when he should be working on making his cars affordable for the 99%.
  4. Ridiculous, isn't it? The 1060 GTX I bought last year is now a hundred dollars more that what I paid for.
  5. The parents were such stiff last season that I thought they worked at the Hawkins Lab. You'd think a fair amount of town folk would work there at least, right?
  6. This season really knows how to make me feel old, lol. I used to have a big crush on Winona Ryder when I was a teenager.
  7. We'll catch it this weekend. My coworker already binged watched it and is watching it again, lol.
  8. Because $MONEY$, that's why! It has Tom Hardy so it should be very interesting and I'll watch it if its made well.
  9. I'm hoping they can stick with the R-rating for this film.
  10. My wife and I used to watch TWD religiously, not anymore now. I think last season will be the last for us Too many filler episodes with contrived character development is what killed the fun.
  11. BF2 looks to have a great single player campaign. Too bad the multiplayer action looks meh. Why can't they make it more like Battlefield?!?
  12. I'm debating on getting the blu-ray when its released. For back story my wife got me the DVD special edition of the original film when we first started dating last decade. That's how I knew she was a keeper, the DVD special edition on the other hand... It was sold along with the rest of my DVDs in a garage sale two Summers ago. Unless it comes with something very cool, similar to LOGAN's Noir version for example, I think I may just buy a HD copy of Blade Runner 2049 on Amazon or Google Play instead.
  13. Why... would you microwave a pop-tart??
  14. I watched the BR Final Cut on FIOS last night and it made me appreciate how BR 2049's creators made the sequel work so well. That being said I can see why the younger folk wouldn't be interested in 2049, in their minds the original is ancient to them. I have coworkers in their mid-20s that I consider geeks just like me; love games, anime, etc, however they have no clue about Blade Runner. With ease of access they got so much more to more geek out about today compared to what I had growing up back in the 1980s or as an adult in the 90s for that matter.
  15. Yes, Bautista was very good. Barely recognized him as the wrestler he once was. Leto was OK, I blame more of the fault on the way his character was written than the actor. Reminded me of Oscar Isacc's character in Ex Machina. Both genius a-hole CEOs trying to make and control artificial intelligence.
  16. With the Hollywood sex assault/harassments in the news, especially with Affleck, this week I wonder if it'll affect this film or him starring in more films as Batman?
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