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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Agreed, the prequels are better and I think its because they stuck to the rules of the original films. I actually paid to see The Phantom Menace four times in the theater, a fifth in 3D, and I have no interest in paying to see The Last Jedi again, same went for TFA too. Some may be cool with the new films 'breaking the rules' of the previous films but I'm not. It can screw up sequels down the line, its happened before in other film franchises.
  2. I actually paid money to see D&D in the theater
  3. ROFL!! She was insufferable. Except for Rey I really don't give a crap about any of the characters. That being said Disney should fire JJ Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy. Their films are Star Wars for people who don't like Star Wars.
  4. Just saw The Last Jedi and I am disappointed. It has JJ Abrams's fingerprints all over it, was Rian allowed to direct at all? The dialogue was straight out of Disney's Marvel films, so much so that I was expecting Iron Man and Groot to show up. If Disney wants to make Star Wars great again then they should hire a director that is outside their box of thinking, preferably a British or German director and is probably why Rogue One was so good.
  5. No idea what's happening but it looks pretty damn epic!
  6. Till it stops making boat loads of $$$!
  7. Ugh. More streaming apps to deal with in the future.
  8. Finished watching DARK on Netflix. Amazing acting and cannot wait for the next season!
  9. FRAK! This is a war over who controls the most and best content and Disney wants to get ahead of the game. I have a bad feeling about this.
  10. Watched the trailer feeling meh about it. I guess it's because all the nostalgic stuff comes across as pandering to me.
  11. Phantom Menace is on TNT tonight. The prequels are weak but they did have amazing soundtracks, love Duel of the Fates and Battle of the Heroes. The new Disney Star Wars films's soundtracks have been kinda weak themselves though. I'm hoping Last Jedi will have a soundtrack worth buying.
  12. I'm totally cool with Alita's eyes, in fact I love 'em! I wasn't too excited about 2018 movie line up but now I am. This film is now at at the top of my most anticipated list!
  13. Wow, trailer looks good. How long have we've been waiting for this movie?
  14. I'm getting a Lost World vibe and thats not a good thing. Lost World was the worst JP film and also Spielberg's worst film too IMHO. Shame as Lost World is one of my favorite books, it was so good that I finished it in a day. Couldn't put it down.
  15. If the purchase does happen which I expect it will does that mean Disney will also get FOX's huge library of films and TV shows? That'll probably add greatly to Disney's planned streaming service. Alternatively I hoped Disney would have bought Netflix instead so I wouldn't have to sign up for another streaming service.
  16. Watching DARK on Netflix. It's been compared to Stranger Things but that's like comparing Lord of the Rings to Game of Thrones. That being said we like it a lot.
  17. Does anybody not like the CG animation? While it does look cool I do find this style of anime doesn't hold up well over time.
  18. Looks impressive!
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