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Everything posted by AlduinV1

  1. Finally was able to do it! Just so happen I got some super tight joints. I needed a lot of force to make the hips turn. Now unfortunately the leg ball joints got a little loose.
  2. Anyone got problem turning the hip joints of their vf-17d? I can't get mine to turn all the way. It got stuck on a certain position. Any chance I got a defective item?
  3. Hello everyone. Recently bought a Yamato 1/60 YF-17D and after transforming it to gerwalk mode I noticed the right arm is saggy. Any tips on how to tighten it up? Thanks in advance!
  4. Sweet. Now I would really consider getting this one. Now if only I can scrounge enough $$$.
  5. Didn't the old VF-19 have a lot of issue? Will they be fixed with this release?
  6. Thanks for the tip. Does it involve taking apart the shoulder?
  7. Hi everyone. I'm a newbie in the forums. Bought my very first macross toy just last week. A yamato 1/60 17D with Super Pack. Right arm is kinda loose though. Any suggestions for a fix to make it tighter?
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