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Everything posted by Trazial

  1. I have been away for a while and just now coming back. Just recently I saw a video on youtube. I was wondering if this was from the bonus disc from the set or was this part of the actually series that was redone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpqYN9qKBxM Thanks ahead of time for the information.
  2. I just want a clarification. When you list SDF-1 Pre-Refit, are you stating it as the version from the Televsion show or DYRL. Just want to make sure I know which you are referencing before I reply.
  3. If the pic did not repost, I was referring to the Justice League Color schemes.
  4. I would be interested seeing these in fighter mode with these colors....
  5. This is a rebuild of the Macross/Alus from Macross II and transposed on another planet! *DUCKS*
  6. TO quote BSG - "It has happened before, and it will happen again" (sorry if i got it wrong)
  7. It was also proven the Macross is still operable in M+. If this is the original Macross, the decay on it does not coincide with what was last seen in M+. The Macross on Earth is a monument and is always shown in prestine condition. Even after the rebuild according to Macross 2012. If this is the original, it will be very interesting to see how this is explained and where this story is going.
  8. So is Macross Frontier going to be changing the theme song every so often then or will it only be the 2? Gundam Wing only had 2 and Gundam 0083 (fav Gundam series) also only had 2.
  9. I forgot, if the PS3 is not region sensitive, how hard would it be to track down the older PS games to purchase? *going to go broke for another game system* Damn Sony for taking my money!!!!! hehe.
  10. IS this true? If it is I am going broke on a PSP. I have been holding out on getting one. Side note - Is the PS3 region sensitive as well?
  11. My fiancee, only rolls her eyes at me when I am blasting "don't be late" or anything else from Sheryl. But when I am done cooking dinner all is forgotten....until next time.
  12. I was catching up on some of the older posts on this board and I wanted to toss in my 2 cents. Earlier this month there was debate about sampling or copying from other pieces of work or artists. Yoko Kanno is a wonderful composer and producer. She knows what she is doing. If there was a chance of copying or sampling, she would need to contact the current rights holders for permission to use it in her work. Case in point the composer for Macross Zero: Tracks VF-0 and Sky Shine clearly incorporate parts lifted out of the Rocketeer and Starship Troopers. Its only 3 to 4 seconds worth, but clearly borrowed from James Horner and Basil Poledouris, with their permission. I made a post about this way back when the Zero OST Vol. 1 was released. Now to the other reason I am writing today. When has the Lion song been heard? Is it going to be replacing Triangular as the theme? The listing for the Lion preorder lists it as the Macross F theme. Every one of the Frontier CD's has been beyond my expectation and I hope they continue to be this way.
  13. Trazial

    Macross Revoltech

    I would say that the other revoltechs that are good are the Transformers and the Evangelion Revoltechs. I have every one of each one and I am quite impressed.
  14. It will be very interesting to find the origin of the VF-27. When I first saw the front nose cone with the canards, I thought it was an update of the SV-51, just heavily modified over the years.
  15. With all this buzz of the new 1/60's do you think Yamato is going to produce as many variations as it did with the 1/48's i.e. Angel Birds, Woodland, Low-viz color schemes? Besides the perfect transformation, how much does it differ from the current 1/60's? Does anyone know if this new 1/60 is compatible with the current 1/60 GBP armor? If this was answered already I apologize, i missed it.
  16. Which is the other single? I have Triangular on the way and the OST-1 on preorder as well.
  17. I am loving where this new series is headed. After seeing episode 3, I do have a couple of questions. 1. How is it that Alto's 2 classmates are part of SMS and he is not? Did I miss something? 2. It is clear that SMS is a special military branch. How is it that it came into development? I may be jumping the gun on some of these questions and if no one knows the answer, i hope they get answered in further episodes.
  18. As I looked through the posts i did not see these names or I over looked them. VF-25 Viper VF-25 Cougar And for giggles VF-25 Airwolf
  19. Job Well done!
  20. After seeing the pics, I think this is an interesting way for Yamato. I will probably pick them up. I think they would also look good next to my Revoltechs.
  21. What I would like to know is how soon is the M7 licence up and how soon could Yamato pick it up to start making the valks from this line. I would love to see Yamato do both versions of the VF-19.
  22. Thank you for the response. I should have been more specific in my question about the coloring. I have watched DYRL and the only thing I notice is the brightness in coloring in some aspects. OTher than that I notice no difference.
  23. If the SDF-1 was not the original coloring. What is the original coloring and where can I find it for comparison?
  24. I currently have AC5 and AC0. One good thing about playing it over and over is unlocking all that can be unlocked. I still have been unable to unlock the special aircraft on AC5. On AC0 is unlocking the special stage upon completing the game on soldier ranking. I do hope that AC6 will be available on the playstation. I do not want to fork over another 600 bucks on a system for one game. Any word on an AC0 soundtrack relase date yet?
  25. Glad I could make someone laugh. I still had to through it out there.
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