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Everything posted by DeductiblyBonkers

  1. Speaking of technical upgrades, here's what she looks like all armored up: Considering adding intake armor + some on the shield like on the 25, but i figure this is fine for now, eh? (maayybeee breast armor like the 25 too, been giving myself headaches all day trying to figure out how to make that look good and still transform though)
  2. I need to flesh things out some more, but at the moment its about a UN Spacy pilot getting assigned to a Macross-class successor and, naturally, falling into a love triangle with a fellow pilot and an old friend from flight school. Oh yeah and space battles with space monsters, can't forget the most important part. As for the new head, in-story its due to a few technical upgrades to the 19 frame within the fleet the story follows, but mainly its just so my protag's 19 is different enough from the other three 'hero' 19s.
  3. (Figured I should just make a combined thread for all stuff with regards to the Macross story I'm working on so may as well do that now.) Tryin' out different designs for a 19 variant, gave it a 171 head and I'm fairly happy with the results: thoughts?
  4. Yeah, that might look a bit better, thanks.
  5. pardon the bluntness but ive been ill and i think my eye is about to explode so as it says on the tin credit to March and M3 and Mr. Kawamori and all that edit: great i messed up the black bit on the wings in battroid oh well you get the idea
  6. If I were doing Hikaru's 1-J I would, but this was just a simple color swap to match Hikaru's 1-A/S from DYRL. Since Hikaru's valk in DYRL has the same scheme as Roy's but replacing the yellow with red as well as having a red cockpit shield, that's what I did here.
  7. A bit of an anachronism, I know, please forgive me and my fickle heart. ^^; Doesn't look quite as good as I'd hoped, perhaps a VF-0 done up like Hikaru's 1-J would look better... As always, credit for the art goes to the Macross Mecha Manual
  8. Looks awesome man =D
  9. That was largely my intention, I wanted to find a good design balance between the DYRL/SDFM and 7 eras. Nice to know that that came across well enough. ^^
  10. Yup, think I'm a bit happier with the forward section now. I'm not quite sure the transformation all works out, but I'll go in and make changes if need be when I go over this in SAI later.
  11. Got some more work done in class, let me know what you think
  12. Should probably draw up some exact specifications, but around the same size as the Macross and Macross Battle Class
  13. Yeah that's what I was feeling from the front half but I was too tired when I was going over it to really do anything about it, I'll draw up some different designs tonight. Thanks for the kind words!
  14. Doodled this in class the other day and went over it later in SAI, not really happy with the front of the ship and I'm not sure on the ARMD but it's a start I suppose. I'm happy with the bridge at least. =P
  15. Neat! =D Ever since I found the FSX modding community I've been hoping someone would make South Ataria eventually. I'd be more than happy to help with texturing if you need it. Any chance of you adding the Daedalus and Prometheus to the SDF-1 model and putting it up about 960,000 ft? =P
  16. And here's the canon coloration if anyone was curious
  17. The TSV-40 suit is canon I believe, I took it out of an art book, but I took a few liberties with the colors. I believe the suit was designed for use with the VF-19, so you are correct on the era! Yeah, I loved that about the suits in Zero, probably one of my favorite flight suits in Macross to be honest.^^ That's a pretty cool idea with the HUD too!
  18. There are a bunch of others! At the moment this is the only one I need to worry about but I'll probably do more when the need arises.
  19. Upped the saturation of the colors a bit, need to fix my monitor too it seems.
  20. looks pretty good done up in blue too, hmmmm
  21. Not my greatest work to be sure (and thats mostly due to my computer conking out), but I've had the inklings of a Macross story idea in my head for the past week and felt like getting some designs down. I'll get some logos and valk liveries done up soon too. Green TSV-40 bc I like green suits and I like the TSV-40 and there's nothing that says a green variant of that suit wasn't ever produced. =P Credit goes to whoever drew the TSV-40 from the YF-19 Master File
  22. And here's the battroid, thanks once again to March. =P
  23. Gotta wait a few hours for my dad to come pick me up, so I did this to kill some time. =P Credit goes to March for the art once again.
  24. Yeah, that's one of my biggest issues with the scheme and largely why I chose to take a crack at reigning it in a bit.
  25. Much thanks March, I was able to produce a much cleaner version using the .psd file you sent. That's not bad either Kronnang. A little too similar to Hikaru's DYRL VF-1 for my liking, but neat nonetheless.
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