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Everything posted by Raptor

  1. Hmm... I guess if they're gonna add more gratuitous fanservice nudity this time (Mao? Erk.), I hope they at least make it well-drawn. Oh, and that Valk is TEH ROXOR.
  2. Apparently GameSpy attempted a mini-review. They didn't seem to approve of it much.
  3. Hmm... I'd probably be enjoying the game videos there right now, if WMP didn't keep rebooting my computer every time I use it.
  4. The VF-1J for MSFS 2002/etc is a piece of crap. Apparently, it's really hard to bipass the ~4G limit in the flight engine before the plane breaks and falls from the sky (hell, MSFS doesn't even simulate the crash, it just stops and says "CRASH" on the screen). Not to mention the fact that the plane preforms like a friggin Cesna, and that the transformations are useless and unrealistic.
  5. I personally think the Macross 7 version of "Riding in your Valkyrie" is much, much, much better than the original Macross II version... But that's just because the singer who sang the original was really annoying. I do need to watch Macross II one of these days...
  6. And how much longer before this degrades into a Kindergarten-style flame war over MII inconsistencies and M7?
  7. Hehehe, I read one M7 H-doujin, and it made no sense whatsoever. I admit I can't read much Japanese, but something tells me they never quite explained why... err, never mind. I want more
  8. In case I manage to actually buy this game some day, can any of you point me in a good direction for loading import games on a US PS2? I might be willing to solder, although I've never done it... I'd prefer something relatively simple with fairly low risk... I think I might just have to pick up this game while I'm in Japan next year, if my plans go according to my will...
  9. Well, first I think we need to hope the first Macross PS2 game is atleast at the level of ROCKFRICKINTASTIC. After that... Screw a VF-11C, screw the Jamming Birds, I wanna play as Basara. Flying in the VF-19Kai, dodging everyone's fire, firing the speaker pods... And then whip out the GAMMA! All while following the whole show's progression, including the movie. The OVA could be left out for the sake of feeling like a single game... All with DVD-quality animated cutscenes (Possibly with new animation, as well seeing the character's faces in a Gundam-esque box in the corner of the screen, watching them sing, talk, etc) CD-quality Fire Bomber in-game music (With an RPG-style song progression, sorta like SRW D, as I understand), intuitive controls, and nice graphics that mimic the looks of the show without being cell shaded. Of course, there would be the "DON'T KILL ANYONE" objective, but it's not like you wouldn't be able to shoot (speaker pods, the gamma, and the occasional missle or Pinpoint Barrier Punch...). Oh, yeah, and with online support for deathmatch, capture the flag, last pilot standing, with every Valk from DYRL to Dynamite. In other words... Firetastic. Yay. (Oh wait, you mean the first game's already out? Any reviews?)
  10. Chek a car with an automatic transmission. There's a lock button to prevent accidentally jostling it out of position. I would assume that VFs have a similar locking mechanism. AT? Why would we want to do that? Stick-shift all the way... Anyway, I'd definately take DYRL-style any day. I already thought out how all 3 modes *could* be controlled quite well with a changing HOTAS.
  11. 18
  12. NO IT DOESN'T That's twice now. FSW isn't unstable. Period. Doesn't give instability, doesn't make things more prone to be unstable, nothing. It has the same effect as painting the plane green. Nothing. As I said a page ago, it actually makes it MORE STABLE at high alpha. The exact opposite of what most people seem to think. An FSW plane can hold extreme angles of attack without rolling off to the side due to the reversed spanwise flow. Very few aircraft can hold greater than 45 alpha and have ANY manueverability, and almost nothing can hold 60 and not fall out of the sky. But FSW gives you a bit extra. (not a lot, like 5-10 degrees). Man, if the old boards weren't down I'd go copy my whole "FSW and what it does and how it works" from there... Anyways, in response to Lightning 06: Nope, YF-19 has 1D vectoring (but 2D nozzles). It's one of those things where everybody gets things confused--like centrifigual and centripedal force. (It's CENTRIPEDAL on a roller coaster--though 9/10 of text books and TV shows say centrifugal). Regardless of what compendium says, it's 1D, it's clearly shown in a close-up. (Using it to roll, ironically). Lots of people think up and down count as two. No, it's 1. It's a freedom of motion. Best analogy: trains. The engineer can make them go forward, or back. One choice, no others. Cars have 2--front/back, left/right. 2 choices, in any combo. A YF-19's engines (and F-22 for example) can only go up/down. Yes, they may be used differentially to give a left/right roll, but they themselves cannot go left/right (if they did, they'd give yaw--and you almost never see pure yaw vectoring). To do this, you have 2D nozzles. Think of a "normal" nozzle. That's considered 1D---1 dimension about an axis. A circle (which is a line). (Geometry be damned, that's how works with planes--standard nozzle is a 1D axisymmetric cone--equidistant about the thrust axis). But for your standard "flat rectangle" vectoring nozzle, it's not a cone, so you need 2D to describe it---the top/bottom, and the sides. Different dimensions/non-syemmetric (it's a lot wider than tall). Now, to get actual 2D vectoring (left/right) you need what is called the 3D nozzle. Which is really a hyped-up 1D nozzle. F-15ACTIVE or any REALLY modern Super Flanker. Basically a 1D nozzle that can fold and flex a bit at any point to subtly shift itself. Actually, painting a plane green WOULD have an effect... Haven't you heard of the Streak Eagle? Erm... What I mean by "unstable" is that it has a tendency to change direction faster in normal flight then a rear-sweeping wing. ie, you make a hard sharp pitch up, and it responds faster, seemingly less stably than a rear-sweep. You could at least avoid looking like a high-and-mighty "YOU'RE WRONG AND I KNOW MORE THAN YOU" a-hole by not overeacting about people's mistakes. So there.
  13. In Macross Plus, I was more of a fan of the YF-19. The smaller profile (target-wise) in every mode makes it a better choice for closer range combat. Also, the FSW gives it built-in instability like a few others have mentioned, which makes it inherently more manueverable when combined with advanced thrust vectoring, manuevering jets, and fly-by-wire computer controls. The ability to glide hang-glider style in battroid mode with the folding wings makes a nice feature (Not to mention looking really cool in the VF-X-2 opening). But in Macross 7, they butchered the standard VF-19 design (I love the Kai, and the S-variant Blazers head, but those tiny little wings on the F/S, etc look so terrible)... Hands down, I prefer the Sturmvogel II over all of them. It has a much better-looking head than the YF-21, as well as the built-in dual gunpods, and extra missle storage space. Plus I'm a Max/Milia fanboy.
  14. I think it's time to bring back the greatest thread ever... hehe This is something I made quite a while ago.. Frankly I can't remember if I posted it in the original thread or not.
  15. It's in the Guiness Book of World Records. About 750 children (All who already had histories of epilepsy) were sent to the hospital for seizures do to flashing lights from Pikachu... Notice how whenever Pikachu does an electric attack in the US version, the screen turns into a sort of sunglass tint color.
  16. About the rain of fire... So, in the TV series, 10% of the surface population survives? (Not counting the 70,000~ on Macross.) But in DYRL, there are no survivors on the surface of the Earth whatsoever, right? (Atleast as far as we know) I would like to know...
  17. I'm really gonna have to get a GC one of these days... Guess I can't expect every good game to come out on PS2... Plus I want the Zoids game.
  18. It's possible that the UN Spacy helped to fund it, or provided alot of the equipment and materials. After all, it would have been in their favor to keep the people's moral up. *Doh, should have been a little quicker with them keys...
  19. TV Series: Fleshed-out plot. Originality. Old-school goodness. DYRL: Incredible art, directing, music, and emotion. Plus: The music, character designs, mecha designs, directing, animation, and realistic mech physics. 7: FAIYAA!!!!!!!!!!! Character designs, fleshed out plot, character development, Max/Milia, the Sturmvogel II. ZERO: Action, fluid animation, incredible speed of action and style.
  20. Vrlitwhai's forces (the Adaclos Fleet) numbered only 1,200 capital ships and the accompaning mecha. Against the 4,790,122 capital ships of the Bodol Main Fleet, the UN Spacy and it's allies were outnumbered by 4,000 to 1. They survived because of the Grand Cannon, the Macross destroying Bodolzaa's flagship, and the culture shock upon the Zentradi soldiers due to Minmay's music broadcast. But I digress, Lightning 06 is correct in that I was talking primarily about the majority of Space War One, fought from episode one through to episode 26. Ah, good old culture shock... If Minmay's song did all that, I wonder what would happen if the Zentreadi fleet landed in Japan? Zentreadi Soldier 1: "Ahh, this land makes no sense! Damn toilets! Damn schoolgirls everywhere!!!" *Head explodes* Zentreadi Soldier 2: "Damn all these condtradictions, overly-complicated polite speech patterns, and arbitrary customs!" *head explodes* Bodolza: "PROTOCULTURE!!! I mean CULTURE SHOCK!!!!" *head explodes*
  21. I'd go for something around the time of the start of the colonization and teraforming projects...
  22. Hmm... I'm not sure whether I'd rather have something after 7 (A sequel or otherwise...), or maybe between SDF and Plus... But I don't think I'd want another Zero-era prequel. All I know is I want some more Max, Milia, and some freaking Sturmvogels. hehe.
  23. Genetic engineering will never beat natural genius...
  24. With graphics and controls like that, somthing tells me it won't exactly have killer sales or top review in America... Meh, I'd still buy it if it did come out. As long as they leave the "cherry boy" comments in...
  25. Macross 7 is like a fire (hardy har har). You either get too close and get burned (overanalysis), or you sit back and bask in it's warm glow. PS, FAIAA!!!
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