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Everything posted by Raptor

  1. It's obvious that the S's are more expensive than the A's... It's been said that in WWII, there were no "average pilots:" you were either an ace or a target. How else would you think that some people get massive amounts of kills, while others might get shot down their first day? I think the same applies to Macross...
  2. Ah... so that's what they mean when they say the P90 is resistant to cookoffs... I thought it just meant a really hot barrel.
  3. Well, that and the fact that they told the GIs that M16's didn't need cleaning and didn't issue cleaning kits until a year or two after they issued them...
  4. After watching the FX DVD today... Video and sound are A+... But damn, those subs bite. I'm not going to bother explaining why, but they get so many things wrong...
  5. What do you expect from a journalist? As if they have much experience firing automatic weapons? lol...
  6. This is why I love the VF-11 and the VF-19's gunpods. Mag changes are sexy
  7. Hehe, just ordered the FX version from eBay a few days ago. I can finally watch DYRL without the edits (Stomped brains and naked Minmay, woohoo... er...), and with decent video. If the subs are really bad... I can always turn them off My sister ordered the M7 FX bootlegs a day or two ago, too.
  8. I know at least some Japanese people haven't even seen Seven Samurai because the DVD is so expensive... That says a lot about the Japanese DVD market.
  9. Japanese DVD's cost an assload because they have huge profit margins. That's the same reason Japanese CD's cost 30 dollars for an album. That, and they want to protect the "star status" or some crap like that...
  10. Raptor

    MechMod for HL

    If they wanted transorming Valks, all they'd have to do is make 3 different models with transformation animations, and have the models swapped out for each mode.
  11. Of course!!!! Vostok 7 Yeah, I hear animated chicks are easy. That certainly explains all the hentai doujins.
  12. Well, that's not entirely fair. Maybe in the 80's and early-90's it was prudent to say "no" to Korean animation studios. But several notable projects have come out recently which shows that Korean studios are starting to release quality projects. Well, that's what I meant, during the 80s, on low budgets. They've definately come a long way, though... But so has the entire animation industry. (Hmm.. Who exactly animated GI Joe? They really suck.) Well, unless you consider North Korean animation... http://www.robpongi.com/pages/combofrakkINGUSAHI.html
  13. Remember kiddies: Say "NO!" to Korean animation studios.
  14. I wouldn't say having micromissle pods mounted in the legs or pin-point barriers are really human-like limitations...
  15. Didn't it take like 10 years to rebuild? I thought they had been doing it since nearly after it crashed.
  16. The only thing Macross I own is the Macross Song Collection 2003 CD set...
  17. I seriously doubt that the VF-0's backpack has a solid fuel rocket. It's more than likely a throttlable liquid fuel rocket (possibly similar to the X-15...).
  18. Eh? It would probably have to be set long after WWII, as old as he is now... Maybe instead of Nazis he'll be kicking commie ass? hehehe...
  19. I assume he's referring to Quattro Bagina, Char's alias... Can't wait. I'll probably end up getting this instead of Encounters in Space... If not both, eventually.
  20. Hmm... If it's as half as cool as the opening animation, then I'll be glad to watch it.
  21. Yes, but the VF-0 wasn't thought up by anime writers in the early 80s. It has a technology advantage because of a canon inconsistency used to make it them seem more realistic when compared to modern aircraft technology. Oh, some more things you're forgetting are the facts that the VF-1 is a lot more stable, easier to control, and was actually meant for combat, not secret testing... I think the SDF-1 and VF-1 showing up are the two most likely choices, though.
  22. Because, that's what Japanese kids do to unsuspecting English teachers... Popularly known as the Kanchou, which means enema (Or Captain, or spy, depending on your definition). I guess it's a Japanese thing. Oh, yeah, the ep was awesome... Do we have to wait another year for the next?... jeeeeesus...
  23. Let me guess, Mao gets naked this time? I guess the box is sort of a givaway (unless I'm wrong...). Just tell me they at least had the decency to draw it well this time... How long before a fansubbed copy ends up on AnimeSuki, anyway?
  24. Eh, that's pretty much how all hentai is, depending on the artist... I think that an extra line just makes it seem a little more bulgy... I've seen worse, though. Wait, I didn't just say that outloud did I?
  25. Like I said, H-doujins aren't supposed to make sense! Or atleast they never do. The one M7 one that I DID read... Let's just say... a personality 180 for Mylene, and... Docker. Yeah. *cough*
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