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Everything posted by Raptor

  1. Raptor

    Macross PS2 Game

    It can be useful... but it's just too slow for my tastes. The Battloid isn't as speedy as the fighter, but at least it has a decent missle defense, plus it can dodge attacks much better than the Gerwalk. The Gerwalk and Fighter's missle defense (chaff + roll) is only useful when you're moving, I think, so that means it's not very effective with the Gerwalk.
  2. Raptor

    Macross PS2 Game

    well, I'm already used to it... but it's still not the best system IMO. Good enough though (only thing useful is that the transform button is the same as the lock on). I found how many enemies I shot down in Ai Oboeteimasu ka (the last DYRL mode level) terribly humorous. Something like 85 Regults alone, not to mention the other...200 or so various enemies... eh. Hikaru never had that much trouble with Bodolza, lol (I got him in one try but I had like 5% health left). And I'm sure that the you've noticed that the same tactics in Battlecry work for Macross. Ie, launch a wave of missles, than another wave, and then transform to battloid, spin around use your gun, and then turn back into fighter and uses your missles again. And the boss fights (the aerial ones at least, the ground battles weren't as much fun since it was too hard to use missles) work the same way.
  3. Raptor

    Macross PS2 Game

    I got it yesterday... I like it. It basically plays like an improved Battlecry... Gerwalk is still too hard to use in close combat though. And Battlecry has a better transformation control system. Needs multiplayer... The missles make such a nice sound when they impact on their target though!
  4. Raptor

    Macross PS2 Game

    ...where I am, they aren't import, they're domestic. Why do you think I asked if it was worth 6000 yen? And my PS2 can already run Japanese games (flip top + Swap Magic). I have Kaido Battle 2 and Initial D Special Stage (which sadly is nothing compared to Arcade Stage Ver 3).
  5. Raptor

    Macross PS2 Game

    import? hah
  6. Notice that it can barely run faster than it walks... and it makes a lot more noise too, lol. I'm still waiting for them to get that white little bastard to take a full running stride. heh. Then it would look less silly and we'd be that much closer to giant fighting robots... muahahaha.
  7. Doh... I wanted to buy a 1/48th Valkyrie before I came to Japan... but I don't think I'll ever convince myself to shell out the $115.
  8. Raptor

    Macross PS2 Game

    Hey... I'm considering buying a new copy of the game (well, unless I can find a used one). If it wasn't a Macross game, would it still be worth the 6000 yen (55 bucks or so...)? I can't decide quite whether I want it that much, or whether I'd be happer with the new Gundam PS2 game (Gundam vs Zeta Gundam).
  9. Actually, I tried to find a copy a while back since I wanted to get back into flight sims (I played Jane's USAF like a mofo years ago... I have Falcon 4.0 and MS Flight Sim 2002, but I never really played them. F4 was too hard and MSFS has no explosions. I think I lost too much patience due to PC FPS games... lol), but it's not something you can just walk into the average game or PC store and pick up... especially if you want a manual and keyboard map. Online pirated copies (well, Jane's doesn't make flight sims any more, and they don't sell it any more either, so who cares) seem to be few and far between as well.
  10. Ehehe, you could probably get a copy of Space Warriors (Aka the Space Warrior Baldios movie) for about $5 on Amazon.com... Although I seriously can't tell you what it's about or whether it's any good since it's been like 10 years since I've seen it and I was 9 ten years ago. I thought it was awesome back then though... first anime, lol.
  11. Yeah, but it's still confusing. Owners say they're reliable, but if you overheat them, there is a large chance you will need to rebuild. But that can be partially helped with upgraded cooling equipment (new intecooler, bigger radiator, heat wrap, radiator plate, front lip...etc...). The oil metering pump tends to go out, and it costs a lot of money to fix, although you can remove it and just add premix when you fill up, but that's still annoying. Some people think 7's are POS's all together (and they'd be right if they were referring to Mazda's electrical wiring, so I've heard), even people who have been in the car business for years... My dad has a friend looking for one in auctions, but he hasn't seen one for years and thinks they're POSes (he owned a Toyota dealer for decades). He laughed when my dad asked him to look for one. Supposedly most mechanics won't work on them either, although I've heard they're easy to work on (from the owners). Bah, I won't be able to get one for 7 more months anyway... doh. (wish I could just buy a Japanese one and put US bumpers and doors onto it to make it legal, but I doubt it would be that simple...) Edit: I meant to add this earlier, but I forgot. Rotary engine's other big enemy besides heat is detonation... a really bad detonation can sometimes kill the apex seals, which means it's rebuild time.
  12. Well, naturally. It's racing (even if you're not competing), on a street. Hence street racing. It's still cooler (although probably even more dangerous) than street drag-racing, since it takes real driving techniques. I wouldn't pay more than $3000 for an AE86 though... I'm hoping to find a Turbo II for $5000 or less. I'm also interested in SOLO I (Hillclimb!!!) and SOLO II. The FC would be convenient for that since there's no back seat that I'd have to sacrifice for a roll bar. Not to mention the good upgrade potential that a stock turbo car gives you. I'm still wondering about rotary reliability though...
  13. Doh, how could I forget Dogfight? It's my favorite Initial D song, which says a LOT seeing as how I have about 150 of them, listen to them constantly, and like them all. Initial D is my favorite anime (I want to buy an FC3S Turbo when I get back to the states... Although I wouldn't mind a Hachiroku, Sileighty, or Kouki S14...) McBride, you are now my official rival. I can not have someone who was born exactly 366 days after me already running touge in a nice car. (Where do you drive anyway?)
  14. Nope, just Christmas UFO Catcher Evangelion girl figures... I think. I haven't noticed anything else, yet...
  15. I want to see the Goddess TV show too... The movie actually takes place after the manga "ends" (although it hasn't yet), right? And the TV takes off from where the OVA left off, I think... Which makes me want to see it.
  16. I said this season Meaning anime that came out this year...
  17. What do you guys think are the best openings and endings or any new anime this season (or any new endings from previous anime)? I think the best ending and opening songs both go Fantastic Children. I've been watching it every week on TV, and I'm still confused as hell... actually it's on in about an hour I think... I basically watch it because it comes on before Tsukuyomi Moon Phase, which is my favorite anime this season. It also has a nice opening... eheheh...
  18. I dislike the YF-21's head, but the VF-22's is probably my favorite. Screw functionality when it doesn't look good. Pretty can be functional too. PS: Sound Force Valks are supposed to be used for pyschological warfare, so that excuses the use of humanoid faces on them
  19. I consider that a challenge. Bahahaha... Ah crap. I left my umbrella at an arcade... Oh well, it was broken anyway. And I'd rather download fansubs than rent Japanese DVD's anyway
  20. It's coming out 10/22 according to a TV commercial I saw... Which I guess means I've seen parts of it in action before you guys have
  21. I've known of 4chan and 5chan for a few months... but I haven't even clicked on the mecha links yet
  22. There are ways around that
  23. I didn't see anything Macross related at TGS2004, personally.
  24. And I assume that's not counting mounting/release hardware, and possibly not the fuze, either (Who would weigh a bomb with a fuze in? lol!).
  25. It's not just lasers... The S has enhanced sensors and stronger engines.
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